Serves : 5 服务 : 5
Prepare time : 25 min 准备时间 : 25分钟
Cook time : 1:20 hour 烹飪時間:1: 20小時
January 2014
Tasteecook recipes 美味的食物
Sticky Rice Sausages
Ingredients : 材料 :
1/4 onion
tablets 洋蔥1/4粒
1/2 teaspoon
sugar 糖1/2茶匙
2 teaspoons chicken 鸡粉 2茶匙
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1茶匙
1/3 bowl dry shrimp 蝦米1/3碗
2 tablespoons
soy sauce 醬油2汤匙
1 tablespoon sesame oil 麻油1大匙
2 stem spring
onion diced 蔥2根蔥花
tablespoon mind ginger 薑末 1湯匙
2 teaspoons chicken
favor 雞粉 2茶匙
5 finely chopped
garlic 蒜頭5瓣切末
2 teaspoons old soy sauce 老酱油2茶匙
Salt and pepper to
taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
4 teaspoons fried red onion 紅蔥酥4茶匙
2 shallot finely chopped 小紅葱2粒切碎
2 cloves garlic
finely chopped 大蒜2瓣切碎
4 Cantonese style sausage into thick slice 廣式瘦臘腸4條切條
1/2 Cantonese-style
bacon peel of the skin 廣式臘肉半條去皮切塊
4 cups glutinous rice 12 hours soaking 糯米4杯用清水泡浸12小时.
8 mushrooms soaked
soft cut into thick strips 香菇8朵浸泡軟切粗條.
Directions : 做法:
1. Clean the
sticky rice and then soak it in water for 12 hours or overnight. Then remove
the water from the rice. In a Chinese dumpling steamer, add in water and let it
boil. Then for the top part of the steamer layer it with a damp cloth.
1. 糯米先清洗干净, 要用清水浸约12小时或一個晚上, 然後捞起瀝乾水份, 準備一蒸笼, 鍋中倒入水煮滾, 鋪上一層濕布.
2. Add in the drained rice and steam for 25
minute. Then use a chopstick and
puncture holes in the rice. Then steam for another 25
minutes and then mix the rice together. If the rice is still not cooked you can
cook for another 15 minutes. The rice should be clear and soft.
Then add in a little bit of oil and remove the rice and let it cool down.
2. 把糯米放入蒸笼, 蓋上鍋蓋隔水蒸25分钟, 后用筷子弄散糯米, 再蒸25分钟, 继续不停同一蒸法, 翻拌糯米直至糯透軟. 加少量油拌勻這樣炒的時候可以避免糯米粘塊, 讓糯米熱氣散出, 放涼後再炒. 備用.
3. In a bowl, add in two
eggs, 2 teaspoon water and a little bit
of salt and mix well. In a pan, cook the eggs into a pancake shape. Remove from
pan and cut into strips.
3. 鸡蛋加2茶匙水, 攪成蛋液加少许盐调味, 倒入平底鍋中, 煎成雞蛋薄餅, 放涼後切成細絲.
4. Clean the dried Chinese
sausage, Chinese pork belly and cut into thin strips. Soak the dried mushroom
and shrimp in water and cut into pieces.
4. 把臘腸, 臘肉, 洗干净切細條, 冬菇及虾米也洗干净分别用水浸软后切細條, 這些食材也可用蒸熟的方式代替. 但我用了炒的方法.
5. 熱鑊後下油放紅蔥碎,
蒜末, 薑末, 洋蔥粒, 先炒臘腸,
臘肉數分鐘, 下香菇及蝦米炒出香味. 把蒸熟後的糯米飯倒入, 然後轉小火慢慢翻炒, 糯米就不會焦也不會容易黏鍋.
6. Then add in dark soy sauce,
sesame oil and soy sauce, chicken flavor, green onion and salt and pepper. Mix
well and let it simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. In the end, add in red crispy
onion on top of the rice.
6. 後再加少許調味料, 老醬油上色, 麻油, 醬油,
雞粉, 蔥粒, 鹽和胡椒粉適量,
翻拌直至糯米飯與食材炒勻, 再燜5分鐘, 及灑上炸紅蔥香酥再一次翻炒勻, 便可盛起.
Feelings after eating :
This sticky rice dish is very popular with Asian countries. It has a mixture of Chinese sausage, pork belly, dried mushroom and shrimp. All these ingredients makes this dish delicious. There are many ways to cook this dish but steaming is the fastest way. Make sure the rice is soaked with water overnight. The dish is very comforting during winter time. The flavors and aromas fill you stomach.
臘味糯米飯是廣東人很喜歡的一種炒飯, 加上臘腸, 臘肉,冬菇和乾蝦米, 讓飯更加濃鬱可口. 生炒糯米飯需要較長的時間炒熟與放多油, 所以我用蒸的介方法製作, 較簡單不會很油膩, 糯米最好在蒸之前用清水浸上一個晚上. 一碗熱騰騰色香味俱全的臘味糯米飯, 特別再秋冬季節天氣漸漸冷時,那臘味的陣陣香,會讓您更感覚到暖胃又濃鬱可口.