Serves : 3  服务 : 3
Prepare time : 30  min  准备时间 : 30  分钟 
Cook time : 15 min 烹饪时间: 15 分钟 
July 2013 072014
Tasteecook recipes 美味的食物
Cabbage Chicken Breast Salad  高麗菜雞肉沙拉 

Ingredients : 材料  :    
1 cup basil leaves  羅勒叶1  
4 stems fresh mint  鲜薄荷4          
1/2 shredded onion 洋蔥1/2 個切細丝  


2 sliced cucumber  黃瓜 2個切薄片 
2 chopped chilies 小辣椒2粒剁碎   
1 teaspoon chicken flavor 鸡粉 1茶匙 
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量  
3 cloves minced garlic 3瓣切末或蒜粉  

1/2 shredded cabbage  高麗菜1/2个切絲    
1/2 cup dry roasted crushed peanuts
1 pound chicken breast tear by hand  

2 teaspoons olive oil or vegetable oil  
1 package dry thin rice noodle or fresh noodle

2/3 bowl fish sauce ,  ( lemon, sugar, water, garlic, fish sauce mix homemade recipes   103 ) 
鱼露汁2/3 ,   自制的鱼露食譜 103檸檬, , , 大蒜混合  

According to your own favorite taste freely sauce 

Directions : 做法 :                                    
1. 1/2 shredded cabbage, 2 sliced cucumber, 1/2 shredded onion, 3 cloves garlic, minced, 1/2 cup dry roasted crushed peanuts,  1 cup basil leaves, 4 stems fresh mint, 2 chopped chilies. 1/2 cup dry roasted crushed peanuts.

1. 高麗菜1/2个切絲黃瓜 2個切薄片, 洋蔥1/2 個切細丝, 大蒜3瓣切碎幹烤花生1/2杯攪碎, 羅勒叶1, 鲜薄荷4 , 小辣椒2粒剁碎, 幹烤花生1/2杯攪碎.  靜置 5 ~ 10 分鐘 , 捏掉多餘水的分或以脫水器脫掉蔬菜水分.  

2. In a pot, boil water and then add in the thin noodles. While the noodle is still boiling add some cold water. Stir with chopsticks until the noodle is soft. When the noodle is drain out the water and place in a bowl. You can follow the instructions in the bag.

2. 準備一鍋滾水, 將細米粉放入滾水中川湯, 煮米粉的時候要多加淸水, 用筷子搅散, 同时就要來点冷水, 并继续煮沸腾直到米粉變軟, 保持其Q滑軟彈的口感. 取出沥干水份撈起,放入碗中,  您也可以根據包裝說明米粉的烹飪方法.

3. Clean chicken breast with water and pat dry with paper towels. Then use a meat hammer to pound the chicken. In a bowl, add chicken, a little bit of wine, chicken flavor, garlic powder, pepper and salt. Marinate for 15 minuses. 

3. 清水洗亁淨雞胸肉, 用紙毛巾將多餘的水份擦乾, 和盡可能多拍拍, 並抹上一點點的料酒 , 鸡粉, 蒜粉, 胡椒粉和鹽, 再調入少許澱粉混合醃製15分鐘讓鸡肉更容昜入味.  


4. In a pan, add some oil and pan fry the chicken breast on both sides until golden brown. Let chicken cool down and then shred into slices. If you don’t want to fry the chicken you can also boil it.

4. 起一熱鍋加入少許油,  放入雞胸肉煎香至兩面呈金黃色, 熟後盛起放涼, 後用你的雙手撕開雞肉絲.   (雞胸肉也可使用汆燙的方法,放入薑絲去腥  ) 擱置. 

5.  Now, layer the ingredients. Start with noodle at the bottom then onions, cabbage, cucumbers, basil, mint. Then add in the shredded chicken on top, chopped chili.

5. 依序擺放 : 米粉鋪在底部, 搭配洋蔥絲 , 高麗菜絲, 黃瓜薄片, 九層塔, 鲜薄荷,小辣椒, 接著放上雞胸肉絲 . 還有少許剁碎的小辣椒

6.  Pour on the fish sauce, add dry roasted peanuts. Stir the salad together and let the fish sauce marinate everything.

6. 最後淋上鱼露一起吃很合適, 此時表面撒上絞碎好的幹烤花生,快速攪拌均勻, 直到鱼露调味汁均匀的裹在細米粉上, 讓米粉吸收調味汁提升美味.  

7. If you want the dish more spicy you can add in the chili and if  you want it more sour add in more lemons. Now the cabbage chicken salad is done  !

7. 如果想吃辣的放點辣椒,想吃酸的擠點青檸汁, 隨後盛盤,美味的高麗菜雞肉沙拉食譜就完成囉                  


 Feelings after eating,
This delicious sweet and sour chicken salad is refreshing and healthy. The crunchy cabbage and the savory flavors make this the best salad.  The fish sauce makes the dish come together. This dish is healthy and non fattening. This dish has a lot of vitamins and is great for dieting. You can also add in any other type of salad you like. You can add in other vegetables and other refreshing ingredients. I hope you try this dish and enjoy it as much as I do! This delicious dish brings me back to joyous memories. 

食後感想 :
酸辣美味的雞肉沙拉清清爽爽的, 这是一道超级好吃的沙拉, 配上鱼露一起吃有菜有肉又油很少, 味道酸酸辣辣香香的是这沙拉的特点, 丰富的维生素, 还可减肥呢蔬菜按照您自己喜欢的口味随意搭配, 如生菜, 红萝卜, 等等....   .   也是你另外一個好選擇喔 !
有一天当您苦焖的时候可以親手做給自己品嚐,   朋友記得一定要试试哦享受美食或許会让您想起那已失去的快樂回憶.

备时间 20  
烹飪方法 :沙拉
07 2014
美味的食物                 高麗菜雞肉沙拉
材料 :

  • 小高麗菜1/2個切絲          
  • 黃瓜 2個切薄片
  • 雞胸肉1
  • 洋蔥1/2 個切     
  • 干烤花生1/2半碗  
  • 九層塔1/2
  • 米粉2  
  • 小辣椒2粒切碎
  • 露汁2/3    ( 檸檬, , ,大蒜混合  
  1. 高麗菜切絲 , 洋蔥切片成細絲, 黃瓜 2個切薄片 .
  2. 加入, 蒜粉腌制15分鐘入味,  将雞胸肉煎香至兩面呈金黃色,後用你的雙手拉開雞肉絲 備用  .   (即可使用燙雞胸肉放入薑絲去腥雞胸肉燙熟後撈起, 拉開雞肉絲)
  3. 依序擺放 : 米粉2 鋪在底部, 洋蔥絲 , 高麗菜切絲, 黃瓜 2切薄片, 九層塔1/2 , 接著雞胸肉絲 .
  4. 使用食物理器攪碎干烤花生 .
  5. 淋上露混合沙拉 , 小辣椒 , 後放入花生快速攪拌均勻即可盛出 .




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