Services : 4 服務 : 4
Preparation time : 25 min準備時間 : 25分鐘
Cook time: 20 hour 烹飪時間 : 20小时
October 2013 August 10月2013年
Tasteecook recipes 美味的食物
Yang Chow Fried Rice 杨洲炒饭
Ingredients :
1 teaspoons sesame oil 麻油1茶匙
3 teaspoons soy sauce 醬油3茶匙
3 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙
2 teaspoons chicken favor 雞粉 2茶匙
1 pound shrimp peeled 蝦仁1镑去殼
2 shallots finely chopped 小紅蔥頭2粒切碎
3 cloves garlic finely chopped 大蒜3瓣切碎
2 stem green onions chopped 青葱2根切葱粒
3 large eggs
break up 鸡蛋3粒打散成蛋汁
Salt and black pepper to taste 盐和黑胡椒适量
1 medium onion cut grain 中型洋葱1顆切粒
Salt and black pepper to taste 盐和黑胡椒适量
3 tablespoons frozen green peas and carrots 速冻红蘿蔔, 青豆3汤匙
1 pound diced barbecued pork or
cooked ham 叉烧1磅切粒或熟火腿, 烧肉
4 bowl cooked rice preferably
refrigerator overnight 白米饭4碗最好放入冰箱隔夜.
Directions : 做法 :
1. Prepare
Ingredients : 1 pound shrimps , 2 chopped red shallot , 3 cloves garlic finely chopped , 2 stem green onions chopped, 1 medium onion cut grain, 1 pound
diced barbecued pork.
1. 虾仁1磅, 小紅蔥頭2粒切碎, 大蒜3瓣切碎, 青葱2根切葱粒 , 中型洋葱1顆切粒, 叉烧1磅切粒.
2. Tear the skin off the shrimp and
remove the poop and clean with water. Paper towel dry the shrimp and add baking
powder. This will make the shrimp crunchy.
3. In a pan on medium heat, add 2
tablespoons cooking oil and then add shallot, minced garlic, shrimp saute. the shrimp not fully cooked. The shrimp will continue
to cook with the rice. Remove and set aside .
3. 一个大鍋加橄欖油, 大蒜, 小紅葱切末炒香,下蝦肉粒爆香至8 分中熟, 撈出放入碗中, 備用.
4. Scramble 3 egg with a pinch of salt and then set aside.
4. 雞蛋3粒打散成蛋液加鹽1/4茶匙 , 放入油锅翻炒盛起備用.
5. Then add
the cold rice leaving the
rice in the refrigerator overnight separates the rice when cooked to avoid, the rice
to stick together .
6. Heat up a
saucepan pour some oil, Add onion, white rice and saute , Once everything is fully cooked , when the rice is warm and
golden brown. add the chicken knorr stir-fry.
6. 鍋燒熱倒入適量的油,
放入洋葱粒 , 白米飯炒香, 當米飯炒到在鍋裡蹦起飯粒時, 米粒鬆散呈金黃色. 加入雞粉拌炒.
7. Pour the diced barbecued pork into
saute again, soy sauce, salt and black
pepper to taste , Garnish with
green onion combine saute mixture.
7. 將剛才炒好的叉烧, 再次倒入一起炒, 醬油, 盐和黑胡椒适量撒少許蔥花再次翻炒幾下即可.
The ingredients vegetable can add you own and match 按照您自己喜欢的口味随意搭配.
Feelings after eating :
食後感想 :
杨洲炒饭是一道香噴噴的炒飯食譜. 營養很豐富, 是一款很受大眾喜愛的炒飯,加入 叉烧格外好吃還帶香味, 遠方的朋友您相嗎, 美味的菜譜, 会讓您在平平淡淡的生活里, 一点精彩的回憶, 讓我们一起来试试吧 .