Serves : 10 服务 : 10
Prepare time : 25 min  准备时间 : 25分钟
Cook time  :  15 min  烹饪时间:15 分钟
November 2013  11月2013年
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物
Mom Homemade Chili Oil  媽媽自製香辣红油

Ingredients : 材料 :                                               5 peeled garlic 蒜頭5去皮               
1 bowl of chili debris 乾辣椒碎片1
3 stem green onions cut half 3根切半段
1 teaspoons paprika powder 辣椒粉1茶匙
2 tablespoons white sesame seeds 白芝麻2茶匙
3 cup olive oil or vegetable oil  橄榄油3碗或沙拉油
Like spicy you can add more dry chili 

Directions : 做法 :
1. Peel 5 garlic, cut green onion into half. In a large bowl, add in a bowl of dried chili flakes, 1 teaspoon of paprika,  You can also use sesame seeds.


1. 蒜頭5瓣去皮, 3根切成半段. 用一個大碗放入1碗乾辣椒碎片, 1茶匙辣椒粉, 也可加入白芝麻.


2. In a pot, add in 3 cup olive oil, peeled garlic, green onion and turn the fire to medium. Cook until the ingredients mix and the green onion is brown. The oil will bubble and then put the fire on low. Then turn off the stove.


2. 3杯橄榄油倒入鍋中, 放入去皮大蒜, 蔥段, 大約中小火慢慢熬炸出香味, 时而要搅拌, 直到大蒜, 葱段逐渐开始变为焦黄, 待有细小泡泡从锅底不断上升时, 将火温降至最小. 此時把火關掉.  


3.Remove the pot from the stove. Let the oil cool for 1 minute and then transfer the oil in the bowl with chili flakes. Gradually add in the oil to the bowl by adding it 1 cup at a time. Use a chopstick to stir the oil and chili flakes.


3. 离火后, 因为这时油温太高, 稍微凉一分钟, 不要马上將燒熱的冲入放有乾辣椒碎的大碗, 最好分三次冲入效果会更好. 之后用筷子快速搅拌均匀.


4. Cover the chili oil with a plate and let the ingredients mix together. Let the oil sit for an hour. Once the oil is cooled the oil will turn red. Use a strainer to remove excess ingredients on the top of the oil. After, place in a glass jar or bottle and place in the refrigerator. You can use it for later.


4. 需要小碟子蓋上蓋子以免香味散掉,使用不銹鋼長柄過濾多餘的食材渣。此時油分離出來顏色變紅,靜置紅油降溫涼透,之後把做好的紅油盛裝在無水,氣密瓶子裡保存,放入冰箱裡誰時可食用。自製紅油即可完成了.


Feelings after eating :
You can use this chili oil for American or Chinese dishes. You can mix it in with boiled vegetables, salad, noodles, stir fry dishes, braised meat, stews and soups. The chili oil adds a fragrant aroma to your dish and adds color. A lot of people like the smell of the chili oil. I hope you try making this chili oil for yourself so you can use it for many dishes. This is a simple way to add in flavor to your dishes. This oil can be an everyday necessity to cooking. I make my chili oil very simple and you can add in other ingredients like pepper, ginger, star anise, bay leaves, basil, cumin, paprika.   



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