Serves : 3 服务 : 3
Prepare time : 20
min 准备时间 : 20分钟
Cook time : 20
min 烹饪时间 : 20 分钟
2013 11月2013年
recipes 美味的食物
Beef Chow
Fun 乾炒牛河粉
Ingredients : 材料 :
1 bowl of bean
sprouts 豆芽1碗
1 onion shredded 洋蔥1顆切條
1 teaspoon soy
sauce 醬油1 湯匙
1 teaspoon
sesame oil 麻油1茶匙
1 pound sliced
beef 牛肉1磅切片
3 teaspoons
olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙
1/4 tsp baking
soda 苏打粉1/4茶匙
2 teaspoons
cooking wine 料酒2茶匙
3 finely chopped
garlic 蒜頭3瓣切末
2 teaspoons
chicken favor 雞粉 2茶匙
2 tablespoons oyster sauce 蚝油2湯匙
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
3 eggs broken up
1 teaspoons
cornstarch 玉米淀粉 1茶匙
Salt and pepper
to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
1 bag chow fun ( rice noodle ) 河粉 1包
1/2 carrot
shredded 紅蘿蔔1/2條切細絲
1 pound rice noodle
( chow fun ) 鲜河粉1镑
2 shallots
finely chopped 小紅蔥頭2粒切碎
2 stem green
onions shredded 蔥2根切成寸段
1 ball peppers also cut into thick slice 红青甜椒1顆也切粗絲
The ingredients vegetable can add you own and match
: 高丽菜, 西芹, 菠菜.
Directions : 做法 :
1.Wash 1 lb beef
with water then dry with paper towel. Cut into medium slices. In a bowl, add in
¼ teaspoon baking powder and add in the sliced beef. Then add in wine, salt and
pepper and cornstarch. Mix well and then place refrigerator for 20 minutes.
1. 牛肉1磅用清水洗亁淨, 用紙巾擦乾多餘的水份, 后切片, 用1個碗加入2湯匙水, 1/4茶苏打粉混合, 倒入牛肉片里, 並抹上一點點的料酒 , 胡椒粉和鹽醃製, 再調入少許玉米澱粉混合拌勻, 放入冰箱腌制20分钟, 備用.
1. 牛肉1磅用清水洗亁淨, 用紙巾擦乾多餘的水份, 后切片, 用1個碗加入2湯匙水, 1/4茶苏打粉混合, 倒入牛肉片里, 並抹上一點點的料酒 , 胡椒粉和鹽醃製, 再調入少許玉米澱粉混合拌勻, 放入冰箱腌制20分钟, 備用.
2. Wash the bean sprouts and drain
the water, cut green onions into 2 inch sections, cut the carrot into ½ strips,
mince 3 garlic cloves, chop 2 shallots,
slice 1 onion. Set the ingredients aside.
2. 先把豆芽1碗洗淨, 瀝干多餘的水份, 蔥2根切成寸段 , 紅蘿蔔1/2條切粗絲, 蒜頭3瓣切末, 小紅蔥頭2粒切碎, 洋蔥1顆切條. 待用.
Beat 3 eggs and add ¼ teaspoon salt
3. 雞蛋3只加入1/4茶匙鹽打散成蛋液.
4. Heat a wok and add 3 teaspoon olive oil, saute shallots, onion and garlic. Then add the meat and stir fry till brown but half cooked. Then remove and set aside in a bowl.
4. 燒熱炒鍋加入3茶匙油, 爆香紅蔥末, 蒜末, 放入牛肉片拌炒至牛肉8 分熟取出.
In the same wok, add in red bell pepper, carrot and onion. Stir fry till
5. 同一样的鍋添加切好的红甜椒, 紅蘿蔔絲, 最后才放入洋葱絲炒, 用中大火快炒至变软盛出.
6. In a different pan, pan fry the noodles until golden brown. Add in dark soy sauce, been sprouts then light soy sauce, oyster sauce and the egg. Then quickly stir fry until all the ingredients are mixed.
6. 用中大火把河粉放入鑊中煎至兩面金黄色, 然后倒入老抽, 豆芽, 醬油, 蚝油, 雞蛋液, 然后用大火快速翻炒使每一条河粉裹上蛋液. 充分的拌勻.
7. Finally, add in all the ingredients in the noodle pan. Then add soy sauce mixture, sesame oil, chicken flavor, salt and pepper.
7. 最後再次倒回先前炒好的食材, 牛肉片, 蔥段, 此時添加事先已调好的调味汁如, 酱油, 麻油, 雞粉, 鹽和胡椒粉適量調味炒勻入味.
8. Now, turn on the fire to high and stir fry everything together. Then turn of the heat and place on plate.
8. 炒锅子要转成大火, 動着要快再次翻炒幾下, 直到调味汁均匀的裹在面条上, 关火出鍋裝盤, 干炒牛河完成了, 好香.
Feelings after eating :
I am very happy to share this recipe with everyone. This beef chow fun is a classic Chinese dish. This dish is tasty and everyone likes to eat it. You can use the noodle in soup as well. My daughter
likes this beef chow fun. You can add in other ingredients too. I hope your family enjoys this dish.
食後感想 :
今天很高興可以和大家一起分享乾炒牛河粉与牛肉, 我己 diy 味道口感格外好吃. 面条是很多家庭的主食之一, 是炒和高汤组合最好的食品, 炒一碟乾炒牛河粉深受女儿喜爱, 而且味道新鲜爽口, 营养也好, 又健康, 绝对是明智的选择 .配料一般是家裡有什麼蔬菜都可以自已搭配, 希望您喜歡這道美味的食譜.