Serves : 5 服務 : 5
Prepare time : 30 min 準備時間 : 30分鐘
Cook time : 30 minutes 烹饪时间 : 30分钟
April  2016  042016
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物
Mexican Dastards Beef Bowl 墨西哥牛肉玉米餅碗


Ingredients : 材料 :                                                                           1/4 cup water  1/4 
1/2 can corn   玉米1/2 
1/4 cup red wine  红酒1/4 
1 chopped onion 洋葱1個切碎
1 teaspoon cumin 小茴香1/2 茶匙
5 garlic finely chopped 大蒜5瓣切末
1 jar chipolata sauce 墨西哥辣椒醬1
Salt and pepper to taste  鹽和胡椒粉适量 
2 teaspoons  onion powder  洋葱粉2茶匙
1/2 cup a top sour cream 頂級酸奶油1/2
1 handful fresh cilantro  新鲜香菜一小撮切碎
1 Jalapeno pepper chopper  墨西哥辣椒1粒切碎
2 stem green onions finely chopped 2根切蔥花 
2 medium Lemons lime 檸檬2 粒切塊或青柠汁 
Right amount of red chili powder  (paprika)红辣椒粉适量
2 medium fresh  tomato chopped 中等新鲜西红柿2個切粒
1 package Mexico taco seasoning mix 墨西哥混合調味料1
1 teaspoon beef flavor or chicken knorr 牛肉1茶匙或鳮粉    
1 teaspoon dried oregano or fresh oregano  幹牛至或新鲜牛至
1/2 fresh shredded lettuce or spinach 新鲜生菜1/2颗切細丝或菠菜
1 jar Mexican salsa or fresh salsa  墨西哥莎莎酱1瓶或自製新鲜的莎莎酱
5 sheets Mexican corn tortillas 6 inch 现成6英寸墨西哥薄面皮玉米饼5  
2 peeled an avocado strips or avocado pates  鳄梨2粒去皮切條或者酪梨糊, 酪梨醬
2 teaspoons olive oil or canola oil if you prefer  橄榄油2 茶匙或者菜籽油
1 cup cheese filaments or Mexican style shredded cheese   奶酪丝1 杯或墨西哥风格乳酪丝
2 pound ground beef or you can use chicken instead  2磅绞牛肉或使用雞肉代替
1 bag dry pinto beans or 1 can pinto beans or beans smash 1袋干斑豆或1罐熟斑豆或搗爛干斑豆泥, 超市里现成的


 Directions : 做法:
1. Prepare the tortillas and cover them with a  damp towel. Then heat the oven for 375. Place the tortilla into the shell bowl maker and bake it for  5-6 minutes until golden brown. Continue you to  make the shells as many as desired. You can also deep fry the tortillas.


1. 墨西哥玉米餅皮用濕紙巾包裹 tortillas, 焗爐預熱至到375, 或放置在微波爐焗烤,把玉米餅皮放置在迷你餅烤盤, 56分鐘, 至餅焦黃直到酥脆. 過程中需要重複焗烤多碗玉米餅, 玉米餅皮可蒸, 煎熱或用油炸. 用任何一種方法做好所有的墨西哥玉米餅卷



2. 1 chopped onion, 5 garlic finely chopped,1 handful fresh cilantro,1 Jalapeno pepper chopper,  2 stem green onions finely chopped,, 2 medium e Lemons or lime,2 medium fresh  tomato chopped, 2 peeled an avocado strips or avocado, 1/2 fresh shredded lettuce or spinach. 


2.  洋蔥1/2個切碎大蒜5瓣切末新鮮香菜一小撮切碎墨西哥辣椒1粒切碎2根切蔥花檸檬2粒切塊或青檸汁中等新鮮紅番茄去掉籽切成小粒鱷梨2粒去皮切條或者鱷梨糊新鮮美生菜1/2顆切細絲或菠菜將全部食材放入大碗中備用


 3. In pan add olive oil, add in the chopped onions, garlic and saute . Then add in ground beef and stir fry. Then add in red wine, cumin, onion powder, chicken powder and  a little it of water. Sprinkle some paprika for spice.


3. 取一個大煎鍋放入少許橄欖油, 以中火放入洋蔥碎, 大蒜碎爆香, 再下入牛絞肉翻炒香. 倒入紅酒, 後小茴香, 洋蔥粉鳮粉, 倒入少許清水, 灑上紅辣椒粉適量.


4. In the same pan, add in fresh oregano, 1 packet of Mexican taco seasoning, salt and pepper. Then cover with the lid and let it simmer. Stir occasional and then remove from heat and set aside.


4.然后加新鲜的牛至和1包墨西哥塔科調味香料一起炒香, 最后鹽和胡椒粉适量,后用慢火再加盖闷一会靜置 5 - 10. 分鐘, 搅拌炒匀. 即可熄火装入一个碗里备用.


5. Prepare the pinto beans: Let the beans soak overnight in water. In a pot, boil water and then add the beans. Add 1 teaspoon chicken flavor, salt and pepper, paprika to add flavor, then turn to medium heat. Cover and boil for 15 minutes until the bean is soft. Remove and strain water. Turn off the stove and set it aside.


5. 用水把干斑豆碎渣清洗乾浄,  干斑豆最好浸泡过夜, 一锅水烧开后, 加入干斑豆, 鳮粉1茶匙, 鹽和胡椒粉适量, 红辣椒粉1/4茶匙一起煮, 可为豆子增加风味. 后转中火, 盖上锅盖煮50分钟至干斑豆绵软, 然后把豆子倒入过滤器倒掉水. 火关掉放置一阵, 使豆子吸收汁液. 把锅盖盖上以保温


6. Layer the ingredients into the tortilla bowls : Add pinto beans, beef, salad, salsa, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, avocado,cheese,  chili sauce, and then add lemon. If you would like make fresh salsa please check my recipe . 



6. 開始步驟順序先後擺放玉米餅 :
1.中間下方放玉米饼 2.加入一層煮软的干斑豆 3.後再放入炒熟的牛绞肉馅 4.疊上生菜丝5.再倒入墨西哥莎莎,番茄 6.撒上乳酪絲 7.上顶酸奶油 8.疊上鳄梨側旁9.墨西哥辣椒醤 10. 最后檸檬一起吃.     
D 149 You can also homemade Mexican salsa recipe 您也可以自制墨西哥莎莎酱食谱


Feelings after eating  :

This Mexican Salad Bowl is simple and easy to make. You can make the tortillas deep fried or baked. They have different kinds at the market. I made my tortilla bowls. The tortillas are very crunchy and tasty. You can add in any other ingredients you like other vegetables, chicken or a different type of bean. Add in any kind of cheese and you can choose to not use sour cream.  To add more spice, add in your favorite chili sauce.

玉米饼 Dastards  , 是墨西哥的家常菜, 墨西哥餅有軟有硬兩種, 超市都有賣. 我是用墨西哥玉米餅皮自己自製的玉米碗餅, 小火煎熟或烤過 , 任何一种方法都以做, 口感脆很像薯片, 配合自己喜歡的新鮮沙拉菜, 夾著辣味的牛肉和軟稔的干斑豆, 上面灑上奶酪丝, 加了酸忌廉(sour cream)淋上墨西哥辣椒醤一起吃, 味道具絕佳風味. 不会覺得膩


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