Serves : 3  服务 : 3
Prepare time : 20 min  准备时间 : 20分钟
Cook time  :  25 min  烹饪时间:25分钟
November 2013  112013
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物
Garlic Pasta  大蒜面条

Ingredients :  材料 :
1 pound pasta 意大利面1
8 clove garlic slice 大蒜8成薄
1 teaspoon chicken powder 鸡粉1汤匙
1 teaspoon garlic powder 大蒜粉1茶匙
1 pound shrimp peeled  蝦仁1镑去殼 
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
2 tablespoons  fresh parsley 新鲜香菜2汤匙
5 tablespoons olive oil 橄榄油 5 汤匙或其他蔬菜油
3 teaspoons parmesan cheese  帕玛森乾奶酪3茶匙  
1/4 teaspoon  crushed dried red chili  红干辣椒碎 1/4茶匙

1. Slice 8 cloves of garlic, prepare 1 box Italian pasta,  1 teaspoon garlic powder, 2 tablespoon of fresh parsley, ¼ teaspoon of crushed dried red chili.

1. 大蒜8,意大利面1 , 大蒜粉1茶匙, 新鲜香菜2汤匙,红干辣椒碎 1/4茶匙.


2. 1 pound fresh shrimp, peeled. Remove the poop from the shrimp and clean. Then use a paper towel and pat dry. Add baking powder and place in the refrigerator.

2.新鮮的蝦仁1鎊剝殼, 從背部劃一刀挑出黑線, 但不切斷清, 洗乾淨, 用紙巾擦乾多餘的水份, 用少許發酵粉拌勻, 保持蝦仁的脆度和口感,放入冰箱備用.

3. In a flat pan, add in olive oil and open medium heat. Stir fry the garlic slices until golden brown. Remove the garlic and then add in the shrimp. Cook until half cooked. Remove and set aside.

3. 平底加入橄榄油,开中火,下薄片大蒜煎香直到大蒜略焦黄时熄火, 後再添加蝦仁炒8分熟. 取出備用.

4. Boil hot water and cook the pasta. Add in salt and oil in the pat. Cook for about 8-10 minutes. Cook the pasta until firm. Remove the pasta and drain the water.

4. 接着再將意大利面放入沸水煮, 加一點點鹽, 滴少许橄欖油或蔬菜油, 大约煮 8 - 10 分熟即可捞起, 吃起來有點硬又不太硬, 此时將煮熟的意大利面条捞出, 倒入漏网中沥干水份.

5. After you cook the pasta, add in some oil and salt. Mix the noodles together.

5.为防止意大利面冷卻時不會沾粘在一塊, 最好加一點橄欖油, 热拌匀, 就不会影响口感了.

6. Place the cooked pasta in the stone pot. Add in dried chili, wine, pepper, parsley, chicken flavor, parmesan cheese and stir fry with noodle. And put the candle in the bottom. Add in the garlic slices from earlier and the shrimp.

6. 将前面煮好的意大利面在一個石炊具裡面接着添加辣椒洒入适量盐黑胡椒,香菜,雞粉,帕瑪森幹奶酪,最后快速把面条搅拌均匀把蠟燭点上火将大蒜面条燴香盛起即可享

After eating thoughts :

You can buy the pasta in the market. This Italian dish is a popular one. This dish is great for families. You can add in any ingredient you like or add in other sauces. The garlic flavor and chili is delicious in this dish. This dish is best when it is fresh and easy to cook. I hope you share this dish with your family.

食後感想 :
意大利面条超市都有卖, 是意大利民族餐桌上少不了的美味食谱, 面条可是很多家庭的主食之一, 准备好的材料就能创造出别样的风味, 由其加入大蒜的浓烈香味和辣椒香味四溢, 黑胡椒, 面条新鲜爽口, 而且口感格外好吃, 味道搭配的天衣无缝. 最好趁热吃这道菜也含有很丰富的营养价值, 又健康, 绝对是您明智的选择. 希望这道简单美味的食谱, 可以和您一起分享受









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