Serves  :  5   服务 :  5
Prepare time  :  10 min  准备时间10分钟
Cook time : 5  min 烹饪时间:分钟
August   2015  06 2015
Tasteecook  recipes   美味的食物
Roast Beef  Dipping  Sauce Recipe  烤牛肉蘸酱食谱   

Ingredients  : 做法 :
1 ounce butter黄油 1 盎司                     
3/4 cup red wine 红葡萄酒3/4    

2 tablespoons olive oil  橄榄油2汤匙
3 chopped red shallot  小紅蔥頭3粒切碎
Salt and black pepper to taste  盐和黑胡椒适量

The rest of the roast beef broth 烤牛肉剩下的汤汁
1/4 cut beef broth   


Directions : 做法 :
1. In a pan saute a red shallot .
1. 燒熱鍋放入黄油, 改中小火炒香红洋葱 .

2. After, add red wine and the rest of the roast beef broth, then add salt and black pepper to taste. Cook for about a minute under low heat .

2. 后倒入红葡萄酒, 加入烤牛肉剩下的汤汁, 然后盐和黑胡椒适量, 繼續用小火再煮1分钟即可 .

3. This becomes a homemade dipping sauce for roast beef.
3. 即成为自制烤牛肉蘸酱.

Feelings after eating  :
I used the the rest of the roast beef broth and added a saute red shallot . This soup is great and has a delicious. Happy enjoy give it a try !

食後感想 :
我用了烤牛肉剩下的汤汁來製作蘸酱汁, 也用了小火炒香红洋葱末, 慢火熬製作成的 .
搭配烤牛肉一起蘸食用, 蘸酱汁帶濃厚香味烤牛肉一起吃,会使牛肉味道超級美味試試看吧 !                                        



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