Serves : 3 服务 : 3
Prepare time : 20 min 准备时间 : 20 分钟
Cook time : 20 min烹饪时间 : 20 分钟
December 2014 12 月2014年
Tasteecook recipes 美味的食物
Bitter melon stuffed with pork 苦瓜酿猪肉
Ingredients : 材料 :
1/4 teaspoon sugar 糖1/4茶匙
1 teaspoon sauce 醬油1荼匙
1 teaspoon ginger 薑末1茶匙
1 pound ground pork 豬絞肉1鎊
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1荼匙
1 teaspoon olive oil 橄榄油1荼匙
1/4 cup of water 清水四分之一杯
1/2 diced onion 洋蔥1/2 半個切粒
2 bunch vermicelli noodle 粉絲2束
2 tablespoons oyster sauce 蠔油2湯匙
2 teaspoons cooking wine 料酒2茶匙
1 teaspoon chicken flavor 雞粉1荼匙
1 teaspoon cornstarch 玉米澱粉1茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
2 bitter melon cut section 苦瓜2 個切长段
3 peeled garlic finely chopped 大蒜3瓣去皮切末
Directions : 做法 :
1.Wash all ingredients , soak the rice into the water to soften, remove and drain and set aside.
1.將所有材料洗淨, 米粉放入清水浸泡軟化捞出沥干水分 待用 .
2. seasonings : onion, sesame oil, wine, garlic, ginger, spring onion, pepper, rice flour, soy sauce, chicken flavor, teen onion, cornstarch, salt and pepper to taste.
2. 调味料 : 洋蔥粒 , 麻油 , 酒 , 蒜末 , 姜末 , 蔥粒 , 米粉 , 醬油 , 雞粉, 葱花 , 太白粉 , 鹽和胡椒粉適量.
3. Place the ground pork into a bowl and all the seasonings into the ground pork mix for 15 minutes,
you could add some water . Then put into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Cut bitter melon into two long sections and with a spoon dig out bitter melon seeds.
3. 将豬絞肉放入碗内,把调味料全部放入豬絞肉中攪拌15分鐘成肉餡 , 你可以添加一些水, 放入冰箱醃約30分鐘. 苦瓜2 個切长段 , 用小匙挖去苦瓜種子.
4. Add a thin layer of cornstarch in the hole bitter melon before filling the ground pork, The purpose of the cornstarch is to help bind the bitter melon and meat when steamed. Then fill the bitter melon rings with the beef mixture.
4. 填苦瓜之前先在苦瓜穴中沿處粘一層薄薄的太白粉, 目的是使得苦瓜与肉馅能连接更紧密 . 将调好的餡料釀入苦瓜环里.
5. In a pot add olive oil, saute the garlic, then add the juice, oyster sauce, mix cornstarch with water and cook until thicken cream sauce is finished . Then drench the sauce over bitter melon and its done.
5. 另起一鍋加入橄榄油, 爆香蒜末, 再加入原汁, 蠔油,玉米澱粉加水拌匀, 勾芡煮至浓稠即完成淋醬. 把煮好的䇜汁淋上苦瓜上即可.
Feelings after eating :
清蒸而出的酿苦瓜鲜嫩, 滋补, 清淡爽口, 此外苦瓜还是一道色香味俱全的名菜, 沒吃过苦瓜的朋友, 清蒸或者抄一碟 嚐嚐真味苦瓜吧 !