Services : 6  服務 : 6
Preparation time : 25 準備時間 : 25
Cooking time : 1 30 hour   烹飪時間 : 1 30小時
October 2014 122014  
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物
Chinese Barbecued Pork  叉燒

Ingredients : 材料:
Pepper amount 胡椒適量 
1/2 bowl wine 料酒半碗
5 garlic mas into a paste 
3 pounds and a half too fat pork

3 tsp of honey mixed with water

6 cooked rice or bread bowl  熟白米飯6碗拌飯或麵包
1 can Lee Kum Kee pork sauce 李錦記叉燒醬一罐
Add seasonings to taste like salt and pepper.
味道隨個人喜好可以增減 .

Directions :  做法  :   
1. Wash and dry the pork belly and cut into  1 ½ inch wide strips.

1. 先把梅花猪肉洗淨, 猪肉可切成约11/2英寸宽的長條. (半肥瘦豬肉). 梅頭肉

2. Barbecued Pork seasoning :  1/2 small bowl wine, 2 teaspoons garlic powder, 5 cloves garlic, salt and black pepper to taste.  Place all of the ingredients into a blender, mix all the ingredients ,  Pour into a bowl and set aside.

2. 叉燒調味酱 :  料酒半碗, 大蒜粉2茶匙, 大蒜5, 鹽和黑胡椒鹽適量, 将全部的材料放入攪拌機.  把香料攪爛成漿泥混合均勻, 后倒入一个碗里  備用 

3. A large aluminum foil bag into the pork belly . Pour barbecued Pork seasoning sauce, seasoning rub marinade plum pork, After sealing, Mix the marinade with the meat.  In the refrigerator for about  6 hours or overnight compared tasty. Wherein the flip several times.

3. 把梅花猪肉放入一個較大的鋁箔袋子裡面. 倒叉燒調味醬料, 用醃醬摩擦梅花肉混合

4. Preheat oven to 400 ° F put the marinated pork belly into the baking grill, Add 1 cup of water in the bottom of the baking pan about 30 minutes, place it inside a per heated oven, Grill for about 30  minutes on high heat, After  brush a layer of b.b.q sauce, Then turn the other side and change the temperate to 350 for 30 minutes.

4. 焗爐箱預熱400 °F , 將醃好后的豬肉條放在焗烤架上, 加水1杯在焗烤架底部, 放入已预热烧烤炉, 高温大約烘烤30分钟, 之後刷一層叉燒醬汁, 然後反轉另面350溫度繼焗烤30分鐘. 

5. In a wok, pour the remaining sauce from the grille ribs for the barbecue sauce. Remove excess meat fat and the meat residue and then on medium heat cook the remaining juice for the sauce. After marinating the pork belly on each side continue to cook at 250 degrees for 30 minutes.

5. 燒熱鍋倒入烤排骨剩下的湯汁,  用不銹鋼長柄撈出多餘的碎渣, 改中小火将汤汁煮濃稠之後将叉燒每边刷上一層烧烤酱, 熱溫250度繼續, 焗烤30分鐘直到叉燒金黃色

6. Remove from the heat an then later on another coat of sauce. Lower the temperature to 300 degrees and continue to turn over from time to time after.

6. 取出, 均勻地刷上一層叉燒醬在叉燒肉上面, 以保持叉燒表面濕潤. 轉低溫300度繼焗烤20分鐘, 間中期間要經常留意著可翻多幾次面.   

7. Reduce oven to 250 ℃ slowly then continue bake 15 minutes, evenly brush a layer on top of pork belly honey sauce again, stew slightly with the pork chops until golden brown on both sides,
Last brush with honey, Grilled pork meat color will be bright, . It will taste better.

7. 然後將熱溫度降低至250℃慢慢繼續烘烤15分鐘, 另用一個刷子刷上一層蜜糖醬再烤15分鐘, 用餘溫將豬排燜到略兩面金黃色, 叉燒食譜就完成囉.  最後一次刷上蜂蜜, 烤出來的叉燒肉色澤才會光亮, 口感也會更佳

8. Remove from the oven and cover with aluminum foil before you eat. Wait 10 more minutes for the sauce to absorb the sauce. 

8. 再吃前從焗爐取出並覆蓋鋁箔紙箔, 等待十多分鐘讓叉燒肉吸收醬汁不要立刻切叉燒肉, 這樣會令裏面的肉汁流失的.


Feelings after eating :
Buy the fatty pork to bake, After baked in the oven it taste delicious, The sauce is a bit sweet with lots of flavor, The flavors were inspired by various Asian seasonings and herbs Although I cannot compare to the infamous Sam Woo B.B.Q flavors I think it’s still pretty good because I made everything from scratch because it is hand-made, I am very proud,  How can I do it ?   This dish is comfort food for me growing up. B.B.Q pork paired with a porridge or rice reminds me of my younger days. I hope you enjoy this and cook it for your friends and family !




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