Services : 4  服務:4               
Preparation time : 30 minutes
Cooking time : 40 minutes
烹饪时间 : 40 分钟  
October 2014 102014
Tasteecook  recipes美味的食物
Mashed Potatoes in Bacon Cup 培根杯馬鈴薯泥

Ingredients : 材料:       2 tsp dried chives
3 cups mashed potatoes
½ cup sour cream酸奶油半杯
1 tsp garlic powder大蒜粉1茶匙

1 egg yolk
Salt and white pepper to taste
16 ounces bacon and bake for 15 minutes

1 cup  cheddar cheese shredded 切達奶酪碎絲1 
you can add your favorite ingredients : meat, mushrooms,  chopped onions, herbs, grapes .

Directions :  做法  :  
1. Preheat oven to 400 ° F
1. 預熱焗烤爐調整至400 ° F 

2. Flip the cupcake pan  and lay the bacon around the small cup. The bacon will create the cup mold. After into the preheated oven, Temperature was adjusted to 375 ° F. Bake about 15 minutes.

2. 將烤模盤面翻轉, 培根在鍋底四周鋪設每小杯子模, 做成培根圓形杯子模. 後放入預熱烤箱裡, 溫度調至375°F, 大約烤了15分鐘.


3. carefully removal baked molded bacon cup, put in the pan tray,  Wait until the bacon cup cools down. Set aside.

3. 小心取出烤好的每個成型的培根杯子模, 放入烤模盤裡, 讓他們放鬆一下等待直到培根杯子冷卻下來讓他們放鬆.

4. Add the mashed potato with sour cream, 2 tsp dried chives, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 cup  cheddar cheese shredded, Salt and black pepper to taste. Mix all the ingredients together.

4. 馬鈴薯泥添加入酸奶油, 幹韭菜2茶匙, 大蒜粉1茶匙, 切達奶酪碎絲1, 鹽和白胡椒粉適量, 把所有的配料混合在一起

5. Put the bacon cup mold into the baking tray pan, Then add the mashed potatoes to fill each small cup of mold.

5. 培根杯子模放入烤模盤內, 然后加入馬鈴薯泥填补滿每個小杯子模具, 要小心不要讓馬鈴薯泥流出.

6. Adjust the oven to 375 ° F degrees bake for 20 minutes.  Then reduce to 350 ° F and bake about 15 minutes. 

6. 烤箱調整至375°F, 將培根杯馬鈴薯泥放入烤盤中烘烤20分鐘. 溫度調降低至350°F, 大約烤了15分鐘.


7. Bake until crisp and more flavorful taste . You can add your also add in other ingredients you like.

7. 把培根杯馬鈴薯泥面烤成金黃色烘烤至脆更可增添酥香口感和香氣. 您可以按照自己喜歡的口味, 方法進行烘烤或調味道



Feelings after eating  :

Bacon mashed potato cups are delicious and a perfect appetizer. The mashes potatoes are cream and the bacon is crispy and tasty.



培根杯馬鈴薯泥是香口美味的食谱, 馬鈴薯泥吃起来口感綿密. 還有著濃濃的奶油味與奶香, 可以說是非常受歡迎和最好吃的甜品之一. 您可以自已試試製作烘烤看看吧 


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