Serves : 4服務 : 4
Prepare time : 15 min 準備時間 : 15分鐘
Cooking time: 20 min 烹飪時間 : 20分鐘
October 2014 102014年                       
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物              
Garlic Cabbage Recipes 蒜蓉大白菜食譜

Ingredients : 材料 :
2 teaspoons wine酒料2茶匙
3 teaspoons olive oil橄欖油3茶匙
3 finely chopped garlic大蒜3瓣切末
1 teaspoon ginger minced薑末1茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste鹽和胡椒粉適量
2 tablespoons minced shrimp蝦米2湯匙攪碎
1 stem green onion cut into sections 1根切寸段
1 teaspoon cornstarch add water玉米澱粉1茶匙芡汁
1 teaspoon chicken flavor or broth雞粉1茶匙或者高湯
2 teaspoons soy sauce or oyster sauce醬油2茶匙或蠔油
1 cabbage cut into six pieces or about 2 inches 
包心大白菜一切 6條或切成約2英寸塊

Directions : 做法:
1. Clean and drain the Chinese cabbage , cut into six pieces or about 2 inches,  3 finely chopped garlic, 1 teaspoon ginger minced, 2 tablespoons minced shrimp, 1 stem green onion cut into sections. 


1. 一棵大白菜洗乾淨後瀝乾水份6條或切成約2英寸塊, 大蒜3瓣切末, 薑末1茶匙蝦米2湯匙攪碎, 1根切寸段.

2. In a pot, fill it with water and add in ½ teaspoon salt. When the water has boiled add in cabbage. While the cabbage is boiling, soak the dried shrimp in water for about 5 minutes. Remove from water and then grind in a blender.


2. 鍋中放適量水和1/2茶匙鹽,水開後放入大白菜汆燙熟軟,蝦米先用開水泡過大約5分鐘然後攪碎待用. 


2.鍋中放適量水和1/2茶匙鹽,水開後放入大白菜汆燙熟軟,蝦米先用開水泡過大約5分鐘, 然後攪碎待用.

 3. In a pan, add in olive oil, ginger, garlic, shrimp and saute. Then place the boiled cabbage on top.


3.適量橄欖油放入薑末, 蒜末, 蝦米碎炒香撈出, 後將炒香的蒜末蝦米放在大白菜上.


4.  In the same pan, add in a little bit of oil, add chicken broth, wine and salt. Then add in a mixture of water and corn start to make the sauce thick. Pour. 

4.鍋中留少量底油, 倒入高湯, 酒料, 加鹽調味, 後再將濕澱粉勾芡將澆在大白菜上即可.

Feelings after eating  :

This cabbage dish is filled with vitamins, calcium and helps with digestion. I hope you enjoy this dish a lot !                                                           

食後感想  :   
白菜的營養價值:白菜中含有豐富的維生素C, 維生素E, 多吃白菜能補鈣白菜含有豐富的粗纖維不但能起到潤腸可以幫助消化的功能這道含有豐富維他命的食谱多多享受吧 ! 








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