Serves : 2 服務 : 2
Prepare time : 15 min準備時間 : 15分鐘
Cook time: 15 minutes 烹饪时间 : 15 分钟       
October 2014  102014                                                          
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物
Kale Fried Rice 羽衣甘藍炒饭


Ingredients : 材料 :      
2 teaspoon soy sauce 醬油2茶匙   
1 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油1茶匙
3 eggs mixing 鸡蛋3粒打散成蛋汁 
1 teaspoons chicken flavor 雞粉1茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
Stem green onions chopped 青葱2根切葱粒
1 teaspoons finely chopped ginger 姜末1茶匙
3 cloves garlic finely chopped 大蒜3瓣切成碎
2 small shallot finely chopped 小紅蔥頭2粒切末
1/2 medium onion cut grain  中型洋葱1/2个切粒  
3 teaspoons France butte or salad oil  法国黄油 3 茶匙沙拉油
1/2 pound of kale chopped into small pieces羽衣甘藍半鎊切碎
2 bowl of cooked rice preferably refrigerator overnight

The ingredients also you can add you own :  corn, ham, ground beef or bacon instead.
按照您自己喜欢的口味随意搭配材料: 玉米, 火腿, 碎牛肉或熏肉代替


1. Wash and clean the kale. Then drain excess water and cut into small pieces. 2 Stem green onions chopped, 3 cloves garlic finely chopped, 2 small shallot finely chopped, 1/2 medium onion cut grain 1 teaspoons finely chopped.

1. 羽衣甘藍清洗乾淨, 瀝乾水分切碎小段, 2根切粒, 大蒜3瓣切成碎, 小紅蔥頭2粒切碎, 洋蔥1/2顆切粒.  

2. In one pan, add one teaspoon salt and olive oil. Then add in the kale but quickly stir fry and then remove from fire. Do not put it long pan for too long. Once the kale is softer then remove it.

2. 一鍋沸水加入1/2茶匙鹽和1茶匙橄欖油煮滾. 然后再把羽衣甘藍加入沸水中一起川燙羽衣甘蓝叶和羽衣颈部應在不同的时间入沸水中川燙. 不用久煮稍微過一下沸水即可之后把川燙好的羽衣甘藍撈出, 瀝乾水份放入盤中, 備用.

3. Put two teaspoon of butter in the pan, add shallot chopped, chopped green onions, garlic  chopped ,  chopped ginger. Add the rice that was previously placed in the refrigerator. Once the rice becomes a little bit crispy and are separate then add soy sauce and chicken bouillon.

3. 熱鍋冷油放入2湯匙黄油, 爆香紅葱末, 洋葱粒, 大蒜, 姜末, 倒入隔夜煮好的白米饭用锅铲翻炒, 當米粒炒到鍋裡蹦起, 並呈干香金黃色鬆軟不粘鍋, 再加入醬油,雞粉調味.

 4. Add the kale, then pepper and salt to taste. And then add in the minced green onions. Stir fry the dish one more time and cook a sunny side up egg to put on top . Now, the kale fried rice is finished !

4. 依序倒下川燙好的羽衣甘蓝, 鹽和胡椒粉適量, 最后灑上少蔥粒, 再次快速翻炒幾下, 煎兩個雞蛋放在飯上面. 這樣就完成羽衣甘藍炒飯了. 享受 !   

Feelings after eating  :

This butter kale friend rice is delicious and healthy for you.

黃油甘蓝菜炒饭是一道非常美味, 雞蛋也含有很豐富的蛋白質, 是一道香噴噴十分可口好吃的食谱, 嘗試炒一碟黃油羽衣甘藍炒飯享受吧 ! 




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