Serves : 4  服务 : 4  
Prepare time : 25 min  准备时间 : 25分钟
Cook time : 25 min  准备时间 : 25  分钟
December  2013  122013
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物
Mushroom Sausage Steamed Chicken Legs 冬菇香肠蒸鸡腿

Ingredients  : 材料  :
4 sticks  chicken 鸡腿4只
3 teaspoons oil  油3茶匙
3 teaspoons wine  酒3茶匙
4 sausages strip slice 香肠4条
1/4 teaspoon sugar 糖1/4茶匙
1 teaspoons soy sauce 醬油2 湯匙
3  clove garlic chopped 蒜末3茶匙
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1大匙
1/2 bowl  preserved turnip 梅菜半碗
1 teaspoon  chicken flavor  鸡精 1汤匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
8  black mushrooms strip slice 冬菇 8 块

Directions: 做法 :
1. Wash the chicken legs, cut the chicken into pieces and cut the sausages into slices.

1. 將雞肉洗淨, 雞切成大塊, 香腸切成片.

2. Wash and dice the preserved turnips and set aside.

2. 將梅菜放入碗, 用清水洗淨. 梅菜切成小粒, 備用.

3. In a pan add in 3 teaspoon oil, add garlic and saute  chicken legs.

3. 取一鍋, 加入3茶匙油, 加入大蒜, 炒香雞腿.

4. Add black mushrooms, sausage, preserved turnip, add the wine, salt, sugar and stir fry. 

4. 后加入冬菇, 香腸, 梅菜粒, 一起翻炒香, 再加入酒, , , 醬油.

5. Put all the ingredients into a bowl , and steamer for 25 minutes.


5. 把所有炒过的材料放入碗裡面再蓋上蓋子然後放入蒸籠蒸25分鐘即可 .


Feelings after eating  :    
This dish is delicious. I am very pleased to be able to share with everyone. The mushroom sausage steamed chicken legs.

食後感想 :
今天很高興可以和大家一起分享冬菇香肠蒸鸡腿, 建议您自己試尝真可媲美山珍海味呢  !


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