Serves : 3  服务 : 3  
Prepare time : 25 min  准备时间 : 25  分钟
Cook time : 20 mins 烹饪时间 :  20分钟
December  2013  122013
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物
Salmon Fried Rice 三文鱼炒飯         

Ingredients : 材料 :
2 teaspoons soy sauce  醬油2茶匙
3 teaspoons olive oil  橄欖油3茶匙  
1 teaspoon  sesame oil  芝麻油 1茶匙                             
2 teaspoons wine  料酒2茶匙料酒
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder  蒜粉1茶匙
1 teaspoon cornstarch  玉米澱粉1茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste  鹽和胡椒粉適量
3 teaspoons France butte  法国黄油 3 茶匙
2 shallot finely chopped 小紅蔥頭2粒切末
2 stem green onion chopper  青蔥2根切葱粒
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger  薑末 1 茶匙
3 larges eggs break up  鸡蛋3粒打散成蛋汁
1/2 teaspoon  chicken knorr flavor 雞粉1茶匙  
3 cloves  garlic finely chopper  大蒜3顆瓣切末
1 carrot cut 1/2 inches  紅蘿蔔1根切1/2英寸大小                
1 pound salmon into 3/4 inch  三文鱼1英鎊切1/2英寸塊大
2 dry chili  remove seeds finely chopper  乾辣椒 2 粒除籽切粒  
1 stem broccoli cut 1/2 inch pieces  西蘭花1顆切1/2英寸大粒
1 medium onion cut 1/2 inch pieces  中型洋葱1颗切1/2英寸粒大
2  bowls of cooked white rice preferably in the refrigerator  overnight  白米饭2碗最好放入冰箱

Directions : 做法: 
1. 1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger, 3 teaspoons France butte, 2 stem green onion chopper, 1 carrot cut 1/2 inches, 3 cloves  garlic finely chopper, 1 pound salmon into 3/4 inch, 2 dry chili  remove seeds finely chopper, 1 stem broccoli cut 1/2 inch pieces, 1 medium onion cut 1/2 inch pieces .

1. 姜末1茶匙, 法国黄油 3 茶匙, 青蔥2根切葱粒, 紅蘿蔔1根切1/2英寸大, 大蒜3瓣拍碎去皮后瓣切末, 三文鱼1英鎊切1/2英寸塊大, 乾辣椒 2 粒去除籽切粒, 西蘭花1顆切1/2英寸大粒, 中型洋葱1颗切1/2英寸粒大. 備用.  


2. Beat the eggs and then add ¼ teaspoon salt. In a pan, add oil and add eggs. Cook until a little raw then remove and set aside. Clean the broccoli and cut into ¼ inch pieces. Then boil then broccoli until cooked an remove. In a pan, stir fry the carrot.

2. 將雞蛋3打散成蛋液加鹽1/4茶匙, 烧热一平底鍋加入少許油倒入蛋汁, 炒至8分熟後取出.  . 西兰花折下菜叶子洗净, 茎则切成切1/2英寸大小, 用热水汆烫至熟捞起沥干水份, 把西兰花, 紅蘿蔔炒香,    盛起.


3. Cut the salmon into half inch chunks. You can remove the skin or keep the skin on. Marinate with salt and pepper, soy sauce, dry chili and wine, corn starch, a little bit of oil. Marinate for 10 minutes. 

3. 三文鱼1英鎊切1/2英寸塊大, 可依據個人口味帶皮或去掉皮, 准备腌料 : 少許, , 胡椒, 酱油, 辣椒碎, 料酒, 玉米淀粉, 适量沙拉油一起腌渍均匀约10分钟入味.  


4. In a hot pan, add two teaspoon butter. Add in garlic, ginger and shallots. Saute ingredients.  Then add in the salmon. Cook until golden brown and then remove from pan.

4. 取一平底鍋燒熱, 添加2茶匙黃油, 下大蒜末,姜末,红葱末爆香, 以中火烧热后加入腌渍過后的三文鱼在锅里煎炒香至表面金黄色8成熟變色後铲起放入碗, 备用.


5. In a pan, add oil and stir fry the onion and add in the rice that was placed overnight in the refrigerator. Cook until rice is separate and then add in soy sauce.

5. 熟白米飯3 碗應放入冰箱過一夜, 然后重新烧热油镬, 下入洋蔥粒, 煮熟的隔夜白米飯一起翻, 待米粒呈金黃色有香味溢出, 鬆散干不粘鍋, 再加入醬油.


6. In the same pan, add in the rest of the ingredients ; salmon, egg and vegetables. Then add some salt and pepper. Chicken flavor, soy sauce and green onion. Stir fry everything.    

6. 同一锅再將剛才炒好的材料, 三文鱼, 鸡蛋, 全部再次倒入白米飯一起翻炒, 此時需將飯中加少許鹽和胡椒粉適量, 雞精, 醬油, 撒少許蔥花, 使其受熱快速翻炒幾下,使每一粒米飯均勻, 即可享受 !  



Feelings after eating  :                 Salmon is a nutritious, rich 
in protein value and can be cooked in many ways.  It taste delicious and tender. 
You can make it simple and pan fry it with butter and it will taste amazing.

鮭魚(三文魚)是一种营养豐富,价值含有大量的蛋白质, 这种鱼类的肉质特别鲜嫩, 用来蒸, 焗烤或者用油煎至表面微黄, 搭配黃油滋味香噴噴的口感格外好吃, 味道絕對一流尽情享受吧  !                                                                                                                                                                    





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