Services : 5 服務 : 5  , 
Preparation time : 35 準備時間 : 35
Cooking time: 1 hour   烹飪時間 : 2小時  
December  2014  122014 
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物   
Beef  Curry  牛肉咖喱

Ingredients 材料
1/2 cup wine料酒半杯
1 stem lemongrass香茅1 
1 can coconut milk椰奶 1
3 tsp fish sauce魚露3茶匙


6 lemon leaves 檸檬葉 6
1/2 tsp brown sugar 紅糖1/2 茶匙
2 chopped pepper 辣椒2 粒切碎   

4 minced garlic蒜頭4瓣切成末
1 pot of water or broth水或高湯1
Salt and pepper to taste鹽和胡椒粉適量

 3 red onions, finely chopped小紅洋蔥3 粒切末
2 onions cut into thick chunks洋蔥2顆切粗大塊
5 potato cut  1 inch chunks馬鈴薯51英寸大塊  

3 carrots cut 1 inch size 紅蘿蔔3根切1英寸大小塊
2 tsp chicken flavor , or broth, beef flavor 雞粉2茶匙, 或高湯 , 牛肉粉

3 dried chili crushed into mashed chili paste .
3 fresh potatoes crushed into mashed potato paste or potato flour .

5 bowls of cooked rice or bread, noodles are available with curry .
熟白米飯5碗或麵包, 挂面 都可用配咖喱.

2 pounds beef cut - inch chunks or used tendons beef, cow ribs 2鎊切英寸大
塊或牛腱肉牛肋條,  均可.



5 tsp curry powder and saute, or Japanese-style curry block .
咖哩粉5茶匙炒香 或日式咖哩塊.

If used Japanese curry block to cook do not need to add seasoning.

做法   :

1 . 把馬鈴薯洗淨, 去皮後一粒切成6, 都先泡在鹽水裡, 這是為了防止馬鈴薯氧化紅蘿蔔切英寸大塊, 洋蔥2顆切大塊, 把它們放在碗裡備用 .

2.  蒜頭, 小紅洋蔥, 少許水, 大干辣椒3顆浸軟使用功能攪拌機攪爛成辣椒醬 ,
撈出來攪爛成漿泥 .

3. 牛肉切成大塊, 用少許料酒, 雞粉, , 加入少許攪爛的辣椒漿和少許咖哩粉調味再放入冰箱裡醃製30分鐘 .

4.  鍋裡約3湯匙油, 將馬鈴薯塊下鍋煎微焦, 後把鍋裡留下的油炒香蘿蔔, 洋蔥取出放入碗中 .

5.  再燒熱鍋油爆香攪爛的辣椒醬, 辣椒醬可以讓湯變成鮮美
, 下牛肉煎香直到微焦, 倒進燉鍋子裡, 再加進食用水
注入酒, 香茅根, 檸檬葉, 熬煮 .

6.  蓋上鍋蓋大火煮開後轉小火續慢燉煮1.30 小時, 直到確定牛肉煮軟 .

7.  然後將剛才炒好的配料再次倒入
胡蘿蔔, 馬鈴薯, 洋蔥一起煮至入味
水量高度要淹過蔬菜料  .
後開鍋蓋以確定蔬菜是否都煮軟了 .

8.  續倒入馬鈴薯泥勾芡, 會讓湯汁更濃稠, 接著將邊攪拌邊加入椰奶, , 雞粉, 紅糖, 魚露適量. 等到咖哩湯變濃稠調味, 即可完成好吃又美味的牛肉咖哩了 .依照您喜歡調整湯汁的濃度  .


Feelings after eating :
Many countries have different curry dishes , Some curries have a more soupy base and others are thick. Many have different spice ranges and seasonings.  Add seasoning according to personal taste of their own . You can eat with rice, bread or noodles  .
Dear friends slowly enjoy this delicious beef curry ! 

I hope this warms your stomach and bring you happiness !                                       
很多國家的咖喱口味不同, 有的湯汁北較多, 有的湯汁濃稠, 味道偏辣, 可依個人口味添加, 你可配白飯, 挂面, 或者麵包一起食用 .  
親爱的朋友慢慢盡情享受這道美味的牛肉咖喱吧会讓你就可以吃的滿足又幸福呢 .


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