Serves : 3  服務 : 3
Prepare time : 20 min  準備時間 : 05分鐘
Cook time  :  25 min  烹飪時間 : 25分鐘
October 2014  122014
Tasteecook  recipes   美味的食物
Ginger Chicken   姜蓉雞腿

Ingredients : 材料 :
1/2 cup ginger  姜蓉1/2
3 tablespoons wine  料酒3湯匙
2 sliced cucumber  黃瓜 2個切薄片
1 teaspoon  chicken knorr  鳮粉1茶匙
2 teaspoons  garlic powder 大蒜粉 2茶匙
1 teaspoon cornstarch  玉米淀粉1茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量調味
8 chicken legs or chicken wings  鸡腿8只或鸡翼
2 tablespoons light olive vegetable oil  橄榄油2汤匙或植物油
8 chicken legs or whole chicken cut in pieces  雞腿8只或整只鸡也可以.

142  Homemade Ginger Sauce Recipe 自制姜蓉酱食谱

Directions : 做法 :
1. Clean the chicken legs and use a paper towel to dry the water. Add in wine, pepper and salt then massage the chicken so the flavors can marinate, 2 teaspoons  garlic powder . 

1. 把雞腿用清水洗乾淨撈起, 用紙毛巾將多餘的水份擦乾, 和盡可能多拍拍它, 讓肉更容昜入味. 並抹上一點點的料酒, 胡椒粉和鹽醃製入味,  大蒜粉 2茶匙. 

2. Put the corn starch over the chicken and let it marinate. Place in the refrigerator for 25 minutes.

2. 然後把將雞腿裹上一層薄薄玉米澱粉, 可令雞肉汁鎖在裡面, 吃起來更滑更可口, 後再把雞腿封好口, 放入冰箱冷藏25分鐘.


4. In a flat pan, add olive oil and add in the steam chicken leg. Pan fry until golden brown and fully cooked.

4. 再起一平底鍋, 下少許橄欖油放進蒸好的雞腿, 以小火慢慢燜煎香, 煎到脆脆兩面呈金黃色, 直至雞腿熟.


5. Add in ginger sauce in the pan and stir with the chicken leg. Stir fry quickly so it wont stick to the pan.

5. 接下來倒入薑蓉醬與雞腿一起攪拌均勻 . 以小火慢慢熬煮至濃稠的薑蓉汁完全覆蓋雞腿. 動作要快, 這樣雞腿才不會粘鍋.

6. Remove from pan and place on a plate.  You can add more ginger sauce on top if you like.

6. 後盛出放入碟中. 即完成美味的薑蓉雞腿了. 想吃更多薑蓉醬味道, 可依照您喜歡的口味增減, 薑蓉醬您也可以去超市買更方便.



Feelings after eating  :
This ginger chicken recipe is very delicious. The pan fried chicken is nice and golden brown and it brings out the ginger aroma. You can eat a lot of this chicken and it is my favorite recipe.  Ginger is very nutrition and helps with circulation. I hope you enjoy this dish and try it  !

香噴噴充滿薑蓉的另類雞腿食譜, 因為用油先煎至表面微黄, 再与薑蓉一起慢慢拌炒, 讓其入味, 焗烤出來的雞腿味道口感效果蠻不錯的, 吃了好開胃, 味道絕對一流.   薑还是一種屬植物極營養的日常烹飪, 可以作為薑蓉醬, 薑茶保健品, 促進血液循環, 從而可幫助消化. 如果您突然好想吃雞腿, 建议您如果喜歡的話試試自己做廚師吧  !




Serves : 8服務 : 8
Prepare time : 20 min  準備時間 : 20分鐘
Cook time  :  25 min   烹飪時間 : 25分鐘
October 2014 122014
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Homemade Ginger Sauce Recipe  自制姜蓉酱食谱


Ingredients: 材料 :
1/2 teaspoon salt  1/2茶匙
1 bowl of olive oil or salad oil  橄欖油1碗或沙拉油
2 bowls of fresh peeled ginger whipped into a slurry of mud, can also add onions
新鮮去皮姜2, 攪爛成漿泥, 也可以加葱.

Directions :  做法  :       
1. Peel 2 bowls of fresh ginger. In food processor grind the ginger. Squeeze the excess ginger juice and set aside.
1. 新鮮去皮生薑2, 使用攪拌機攪爛成漿泥, 把薑汁擠去不要, 只保留姜肉渣,   備用.

2. In a pot, add in  1 bowl of olive oil and add in the ginger. Let the oil cover the ginger completely and turn on the stove to medium. Add in salt and chicken powder.
2. 取一锅倒入1碗橄欖油, 把姜肉渣完全浸泡在油中再開火, 加少許盐和雞粉適量.

3. Turn the fire to low, and boil until the ginger aroma is strong. Stir with chopsticks and wait until the it boils completely. Then turn off the stove.
3. 轉小火慢慢加熱橄欖油, 把姜炒出香味, 搅拌均匀, 等到油表面冒出小泡泡, 這一步骤可延长姜蓉的保存期限.


4. Once the ginger paste is completely cooled. Place in a jar and place in the refrigerator for future use.
4. 然後等姜蓉完全冷卻后, 把姜蓉酱倒入乾淨矽的玻璃瓶中, 放入冰箱保存即可. 


Feelings after eating  :
Ginger is a very nutritious plant. Ginger can be made in a sauce like this or in a tea or cook with it. It helps with blood circulation and inflammation. This sauce can be used as a dip for meats or stir fry in noodles. You can use it as a spread and toast it on bread. My favorite dish is to simply put it on toast in the morning for breakfast I hope you try this recipe  !

姜是一種屬植物極營養可以作為薑蓉醬, 薑茶, 日常烹飪, 保健品, 促進血液循環, 從而可幫助消化. 薑蓉醬譬如直接使用在調味料, 如蘸肉吃, 拌麵條,將薑蓉塗抹在麵包上烤香. 是我很喜歡吃的早餐, 建議你也燒一片薑蓉麵包享受吧 !

Services : 8 服務 : 8  , 
Preparation time : 20 minutes 準備時間 : 20
Cooking time : 10 minutes  烹飪時間 : 10 minutes 
 October 2014 122014年年 
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物   
Homemade ginger Sauce Recipe  自制姜蓉酱食谱     


            Ingredients;材料 :
2/3 tsp salt  2/3茶匙       
1 bowl of olive oil or salad oil

2 bowls of fresh peeled ginger whipped into a slurry of mud, can also add onions
新鮮去皮姜2碗攪爛成漿泥, 也可以加葱 .

做法 : 

1. 新鮮去皮姜2, 使用攪拌機攪爛成漿泥,  把姜汁擠去不要,
只要姜肉渣 ,  备用  .

2.  取锅倒入1碗橄欖油,  姜肉渣完全浸泡在油中再開火 , 盐和雞粉適量 .       

3. 轉小火慢慢加熱把姜炒軟出香味搅拌均匀等到油表面冒出小泡泡,  這一步骤可延长姜蓉的保存期限  .

4.然後等姜蓉完全冷卻 , 姜蓉酱倒入乾淨玻璃瓶中放入冰箱保存即可  .

譬如直接使用在, 調味蘸肉吃拌麵條或將塗抹在麵包上烤香 

Feelings after eating
Ginger is a very nutritious plant. There are many ways to use ginger such as sauces, soups and tea .It helps with various health benefits, promotes blood circulation and aid digestion .
I enjoy this Ginger spread with toasted bread.This is a perfect snack or quick breakfast .
I suggest to make this addicting Ginger Paste soon and add it to all your savory dishes !

姜是一种属植物极营养可以作为姜蓉酱, 姜茶, 日常烹饪, 保健品, 促进血液循环, 从而帮助消化 . 將姜蓉酱塗抹在麵包上烤得香香脆脆的,  是我很喜欢吃的早餐, 建议你烧一片姜蓉麵包享受吧  !