Serves  :  3   服务 :  3
Prepare time :15 min  准备时间:15分钟
Cook time : 10  min 烹饪时间:10分钟 
October 2013  10 2013
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Larb Moo Thai Pork Salad  泰式猪肉沙拉

Ingredients : 材料 :   
1 cup basil leaves 罗勒 1   
1 teaspoon paprika辣椒粉1茶匙
1/2 onion chopped洋葱1/2个切碎



2 stems garlic minced 大蒜4瓣切碎

2 tablespoons fish sauce 鱼露2 汤匙 
Chopped hot red chili 辣椒2粒切碎 

1 teaspoon chicken flavor 
鸡粉 1茶匙

1 pound of ground pork
猪绞肉肉 1
1/2 teaspoon brown
sugar 紅糖 1/2茶匙
2 red shallot chopped 

1 red bell pepper slice 红甜椒1粒切絲      
2 stem green onion chopped 蔥2根切成蔥花
2 teaspoons chopped parsley 切碎香菜2 茶匙  
Salt and black pepper to taste 盐和黑胡椒适量   
1 jalapeno pepper chopped 墨西哥青椒1粒切絲
3 tbsp of kreung 3汤匙 kreung or 1 lime juice青柠汁1 
2 tsp uncooked rice mixer  into a flour生米2 茶匙用攪機撹碎
2 teaspoons tamarind soup mix or lime juice罗望子調味料粉2茶匙青或青柠汁

Directions : 做法 :    
1. onion chopped, chopped red chili, 2 red shallot chopped, jalapeno pepper slice, garlic minced,  chopped coriander, 1 cup basil leaves,  green onion mined .
1. 洋葱切碎, 辣椒切碎, 红葱2粒切碎, 墨西哥青椒切條, 大蒜切末, 切碎香菜, 罗勒 叶1, 2根切成蔥花. 放置一旁備用 .     


2. On low heat fry uncooked jasmine rice until golden brown  . Use the blender to grind the rice.
2. 小火炒生米炒米 直到金黄色 , 使用搅拌机 把米搅碎成粉.

3. In a wok saute diced shallot, onion, minced garlic into a bowl then remove it in a separate bowl. Then in the pot add the ground pork with the rest of the oil, add blender rice minced, and a small amount of water.

3. 起熱鍋加入少許油爆香红葱末,蒜末, 洋葱碎後撈起放入碗中. 同一鍋剩下的油放入猪絞肉炒, 再加炒香的碎米粉. 倒入少量的水炒熟猪肉 

4. Continue to cook and add in red bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, fish sauce, brown sugar, chicken flavor, paprika, salt and black pepper to taste , pour back the saute garlic, mix together .
4.鑊中下红甜椒絲炒, 墨西哥辣椒絲炒, 然后放入鱼露, 紅糖, 鸡粉, 辣椒粉, 盐和黑胡椒适量倒回炒香的蒜末, 下鍋一起混合炒 .

5.  Add green onion, chopped parsley,cilantro, basil,  tamarind soup mix  or lime juice flavored ,  Enjoy  !
5.最後添加蔥花, 香菜碎, 罗勒叶拌勻, 罗望子調味混合, 享受                                

Feelings after eating  :    
This Thai hot and sour pork salad is a super tasty salad. The flavors are spicy and sour. It is a healthy and rich in vitamins. You can add in your own other vegetables such as carrots, celery and etc. I hope you enjoy this healthy dish  ! 

食後感想 :
酸辣美味的泰式猪肉沙拉这是一道超级好吃的沙拉, 有菜有肉又油很少, 味道酸酸辣辣香香的是这沙拉的特点 . 丰富的维生素, 还可减肥呢 . 蔬菜按照您自己喜欢的口味 随意搭配, 如生菜萝卜, 小黃瓜等等...  也是你另外一個好選擇喔!






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