Server :  5  服務:5  
Prepare time  :  30 min 準備時間:30分鐘  
Cook time  :  2  hours 烹飪時間:2小時
January  2014  012014
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Italy Borscht 義大利羅宋湯   

Ingredients : 材料:
1 star anise 八角1      
5 bay leaves 月桂葉5
2 dried chili 幹辣椒2 

The amount of water 水適量 
5 big  cow bone 牛大骨5
1/2 cup red wine 1/2 杯紅酒

1 tsp brown sugar 紅糖1茶匙   
4 slice ginger, peeled  4片去皮
2 stems green onions 2根切2 
4 cloves garlic  garlic  蒜頭4瓣去皮
3 tablespoons  olive oil  橄欖油3湯匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量

3 tablespoons  tomato past  番茄糊3汤匙    
4 carrots  cut one niche  紅蘿蔔4條切寸塊
2 can tomato cut into chunks  罐頭番茄2
5 celery cut in half-inch  西芹5條切半英寸
3 tomatoes cut into chunk  蕃茄3個切成大块

1/2 cabbage cut one niche 高麗菜半顆切  
2 medium onion cut into chunks 洋葱2顆切大塊
3 pounds beef stew cut into chunk 牛肉3切塊

1 can beef broth or beef flavor 牛肉高湯1或牛肉味粉

 2 fresh smashed potatoes  or 4 tsp potato starch or corn starch
6 potatoes cut into one niche chunks  馬鈴薯6顆去皮切英寸塊

2 teaspoons Italian spices  義大利綜合乾燥香料2茶匙
You can add your own ingredients to mix and match  like sausage, mushrooms, radish, pork. anise.             

按照您自己喜欢的口味随意搭配材料 : 香腸洋菇,白蘿蔔,豬肉 ,奶油  

Directions : 做法:
1.In a pot, boil hot water and add the large cow bones and beef. After boiling remove any residue in the water. Then rinse beef and remove excess fat an cut into 1 inch cubes.
1.牛肉, 牛大骨洗淨後用滾水稍微燙一下, 去除筋膜再用清水洗净, 煮牛肉飛水需要整塊, 之后再切一英寸塊大小 .

2. Peel 4 garlic cloves, Cut two canned tomato into chunks, Slice for pieces of ginger, peel 2 stem green onions and cut medium onion into chunks.
2.大蒜4瓣去皮, 罐頭番茄2顆切大塊, 4片去皮青蔥2根切2 


3. Boil two fresh tomato and then peel and cut them into chunks.  Cut half a cabbage into 1 inch. Cut 4 carrots into 1 inch, cut 5 celery stem into half-inch, Cut 6 potatoes into one inch chunks, and
3.再把蕃茄2個去皮切大块, 高麗菜半顆切英寸片, 紅蘿蔔4條切  美國西芹5條切半英寸塊, 馬鈴薯6顆去皮切寸塊.

4. In a pan, add olive oil and saute onion, garlic, ginger, green onion, beef and cow bone together,  fry beef for about 2 minutes on each side until beef golden brown .
4.燒熱鍋放入橄榄油先下薑片, 蒜粒, 洋葱, 蔥段, 改中小火下牛肉一起煎香, 大概每面煎2分鐘, 翻面繼續煎到牛肉金黃色 .

5. Then add wine, water, star anise, bay leaf , dry chili, into the pot and cook for 1 hour .
5.然後注入酒, 清水, 八角, 月桂叶幹辣椒, 倒入鍋中悶煮1小時. 

6. Continued to simmer for 1 hour, until beef is soft, add carrots, celery, potatoes, cabbage, and tomato . You can add more water if you want more soup.
6. 转小火 續慢燉煮1 , 煲直到牛肉軟爛, 然后再加入紅蘿蔔西芹, 馬鈴薯高麗菜蕃茄,  此時覺得水不夠時可以再倒入一些 ) . 

7. Remove excess fat and beef residue on floating on top of the broth. Then add canned tomatoes
 And all the vegetables continued into a slow simmer. Soup should cover over the ingredients.
7. 再來撇去浮沫. 加入罐頭番茄, 將所有的蔬菜都放入續慢燉煮軟爛水必須蓋過所有材料.

 8.Vegetable stew until soft, tomato paste, brown sugar, beef broth, and  Italian spices. soup covered with lid its could makes the beef softened, turn heat on loot let them summer.
8. 待蔬菜料燉軟, 番茄糊, 紅糖, 牛肉高汤, 及義大利綜合乾燥香料. 鍋可蓋上蓋讓牛肉熟透軟化開, 關火後稍燜一下即可.

 9.In the end add mashed potatoes to thicken the soup. Add salt and pepper to taste. Italy Borscht its complete.
9.最後再把新鮮的马铃薯去皮煮熟, 用食物搞拌器搞爛成泥撈出, 后倒入罗宋汤里拌匀, 湯汁转浓稠, 鹽和胡椒粉適量, 調味即可完成義大利羅宋湯了.

Feelings after eating  :
Borscht is a thick soup originated in Ukraine, can be enjoyed all year long.  The key ingredients in this  borscht is : cabbage, potatoes, mellow combination of sweet and sour tomato and beef.You can also use cow ribs to boil soup it would be more tasty. Mixed vegetables and beef add a sweet flavor to this delicious dish. You can also eat together with bread or noodles at the point . If you  eat a bowl of this soup you'll feel warm and will also warm your heart . 

羅宋湯是發源於烏克蘭的一種濃菜湯 . 成湯以後冷熱兼可享用 羅宋湯除了主要的成分蔬菜, 高麗菜, 馬鈴薯, 番茄的酸甜與牛肉的醇厚結合之外, 又酸又甜是這種湯的一大特點, 您也可用牛肋條煮湯, 吃起來会比較夠味 . 那股混合蔬菜的甜味與牛肉獨有的香味 . 熱騰騰滿鍋的精華濃郁香氣, 喝一碗湯下肚, 整個人從心裡暖起來, 喝湯真的會讓人有種幸福的感覺 . 您也可配面包或是下點麵條一起吃 . 




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