Serves : 5 服务 : 5
Prepare time
: 20 min 准备时间20分钟
2015 2月 2015年
recipes 美味的食物
Korean Fresh Noodles With Chicken
Ingredients : 材料 :
2 teaspoons soy sauce 酱油2茶匙
3 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1茶匙
1 pound mushrooms 白蘑菇一镑
2 teaspoons cooking wine 料酒2茶匙
1 teaspoon cornstarch 玉米淀粉 1茶匙
1 onion shredded 洋蔥1顆切條
1 pound snow peas 荷兰豆 一镑
2 teaspoons chicken powder 雞粉2茶匙
3 finely chopped
garlic 蒜頭3瓣切末
1 carrot
shredded 紅蘿蔔1條切細絲
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
3 chopped red shallot 小紅蔥頭3粒切碎
1 package fresh pasta Korea 韩国鲜面条1包
2 stem green onions shredded 蔥2根切成寸段
1 pound chicken lets cut into thick strips,
also can used beef, ham,or bacon instead.
You can add chives, bean sprouts, green peppers, celery.
配菜材料可以添加 韭菜, 高丽菜,
The ingredients, vegetable can add you own and match.
按照您自己喜欢的口味 随意搭配 .
Directions : 做法 :
1. 1 pound snow peas, 1 pound sliced white mushrooms, 1
small piece ginger, finely chopped, 3 finely chopped garlic,1 carrots shredded,
3 shallot finely chopped, 2 stem green onion cut into inch, 1/2 onion finely
1.荷兰豆摘去须根, 白蘑菇也切片, 姜, 蒜切末, 紅蘿蔔切細絲, 小紅蔥頭切碎, 蔥2根切寸段, 洋蔥, 青甜椒也切粗絲, 待用.
2. Clean the chicken breast and pat dry with paper tow to remove excess
water. Pound the chicken with a ponder. Prepare the marinade: Combine white
wine, salt and pepper and marinate for 15 minutes.
2.鳮腿洗乾淨去骨切大塊, 用料酒, 盐, 和玉米淀粉拌勻後, 放入冰箱醃製約20分鐘.
3. In a large
pot, add water and boil the water. Add in oil and salt and toss in the noodles.
Stir with chopsticks. Use the package directions to finish cooking the noodles.
While the noodles are cooking you can add in cold water.
3. 準備一鍋滾水, 加少許鹽和油, 煮面的時后要多加水, 同时, 当锅里的水已经烧开, 用筷子搅拌均匀, 就要來点冷水, 根据包装说明面条烹饪方法. 并继续煮沸腾至面条中间还有一点白芯. 保持其Q滑軟彈的口感 .保持其Q滑軟彈的口感 . 沥干水.
4. In a pot add in olive oil, stir fry the
ginger, garlic and shallots. Then add in
the chicken and cook just until the out layer is gold brown and remove. The
chicken will continue to cook with the rice later. Remove chicken and set aside.
4. 煮熟后的面条用冷水冲洗1至2次, 撈起并瀝乾水份, 然后把它们放入一个碗里, 在阴凉的地方, 煮熟的鲜面条最好不要放太长时间食用.
5. Use the same
pot to stir fry the snow peas,sliced white mushrooms, carrots shredded, slice onion, ball peppers ,
stir fry.
5. 同一样的锅再将切好的荷兰豆先炒, 再放入白蘑菇, 青甜椒, 紅蘿蔔細絲,最后才放入洋葱絲中火炒至变软.
6. In the same pot, add in the previously cooked noodles
into the chicken and the rest of the vegetables. Use the previous sauce and soy
sauce, sesame oil, chicken powder, seasoning salt and pepper to taste.
6.然後再次倒回先前煮好的鲜面条加入鳮肉,菜蔬里,充分的拌勻,此時添加事先已调好的调味汁, 酱油, 麻油, 雞粉, 鹽和胡椒粉適量調味.
7. Place the pot turn into a fire with chopsticks noodles
and vegetables, green onion mixing quickly together , until the sauce evenly
wrapped in noodles , turn off the heat, this tasty Korean dish of fresh pasta.
Feelings after
eating : I hope this delicious recipe , brings you nothing but exciting life in a
little more wonderful memories.
今天很高興可以和大家一起分享韩国鲜面条与鸡肉, 我自己 diy味道口感格外好吃 .
面条是很多家庭的主食之一, 是炒和高汤组合最好的食品, 我炒一碟韩国鲜面条深受女儿喜爱, 而且味道新鲜爽口, 营养也好, 又健康, 绝对是明智的选择 . 要記得煮面一定要多加一点水, 配料一般是家裡有什麼蔬菜都可以自已搭配希望這道美味的食譜, 能帶給您在平平淡淡的生活里多一点精彩的回憶 .