Serves : 3   服务 : 3
Prepare time  : 20 min  准备时间20分钟
Cook time : 7 min 烹饪时间:7分钟
April  2015  04 2015
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Spinach and Mushrooms Salad  菠菜和蘑菇沙拉

Ingredients :  材料 :    
2 tbsp sugar  糖2湯匙
1 tsp Mustard 芥末1茶匙
1/4 cup vinegar 1/4

1/2 cup croutons 蒜香麵包丁1/2
1/2 tsp celery seed 芹菜籽1/2茶匙
1 pounds fresh spinach 新鲜嫩菠菜1

Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
1/2 bowl slice mushrooms 蘑菇1/2, 去皮切开 .
1 tsp olive oil or  vegetable oil 橄榄油1茶匙或植物油

1/2 red onion , sliced in thin rings 红洋葱1/2个,切成薄片
2 eggs  boiled, peeled and chopped  鸡蛋2个煮熟去皮, 切碎 
3 slice  bacon, cooked until crisp and crumbled  培根3, 煎直到脆,  切粒. 

You can also go to the supermarket to salad  dressing. 
你也可以去超市卖火腿沙拉酱調味更方便 . 

Directions :  做法  :  
1. fresh spinach Rinse with clean water, Add ice water to keep the crispness use paper towels to dry the excess water, Set aside on a plate. 1/2 red onion sliced in thin slices.

1.菠菜用清水冲洗干净, 切成一口大小, 鸡蛋煮熟切碎, 培根煎香切粒, 香蒜脆麵包丁, 红洋葱切絲. 

2. ½ cup croutons,  2 eggs boiled peeled and chopped, 3 slice
bacon cooked until crisp, 1 cup fresh shiitake mushrooms Peel into the thick slices, You can also use a little oil and fry mushrooms. 

2.新鲜香菇, 去蒂, 去皮切成中厚片, 然后把全部的材料放入一个大碗中待用. 根據個人口味你也可以用少許油炒熟香菇, 盛起.  

3. Salad dressing Seasoning :  sugar, oil, vinegar, olive oil, 1/2 tsp celery seed, 1 teaspoon mustard, salt and pepper to taste . Place all of the ingredients into a blender. Mix all the ingredients . Pour into a bowl and set aside. Or you can buy Italian dressing at the store or any of your favorite dressing.

3. 沙拉酱調味 : , , , 鹽和胡椒粉適量, 芹菜种子和芥末, 所有用料放入打蛋器搅拌至均匀入碗中待用. 若觉得酸, 味不够,可以加更多醋和糖去调整. 

4. If you feel it is too sour or not sweet enough. You can add more vinegar and to adjust. According to personal taste. 

4. 拌沙拉时先用一个大碗, 放进全部的配料, 嫩菠菜叶, 蘑菇, 红洋葱絲, 鸡蛋对切碎, 还有麵包丁和培根碎. 


Feelings after eating  :
Spinach and mushroom salad is a simple and delicious dish, Spinach is  nutrition and rich in vitamin C . and also low calorie Consumption of fresh raw spinach is one of the best beauty skin too  !  Eat more to keep you happy    Enjoy  !  

菠菜和蘑菇是一道简单好吃的沙拉涼菜, 菠菜是一年四季都有的蔬菜, 菠菜营养极为丰富, 茎叶柔软滑嫩, 含有丰富的维生素 C . 除以鲜菜做沙拉食用外, 还可以放入沸水中川燙脱干水, 后洒一小撮盐, 淋上适量香蒜油搅拌均匀特別好吃 . 煮魚汤味道更加美味 . 而且菠菜的卡路里也很低, 食用新鮮生菠菜还是最好的養顏美膚之一呢多多吃可讓你保持快樂的心情 . 注意菠菜不能久煮否则叶子会被烫过熟, 导致失去菠菜的营养價值 .   


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