Serves : 5 服务: 5
Prepare time : 15 min
Cook time : 30 min
烹饪时间 : 30分钟
recipes 美味的食物
Rice Crispy Treats 水稻脆黄柏
Rice Crispy Treats 水稻脆黄柏
: 材料 :
3 tbsp butter 黄油3汤匙
6 cuts Rice Crispy Treats
4 cut mini marshmallows 棉花糖 4杯
Directions : 做法 :
1. On low heat,
melt butter in a large pot.
1. 烧热一个大鍋用慢火融化黃油 . 2. Add the marshmallows into melted butter. Stir until marshmallow is melted.
2. 添加棉花糖到融化的黄油里, 不停止搅拌直到棉花糖完全融化 .
3. Add the rice crispy cereal in the melted the marshmallow mixture. Stir quickly and turn off the heat.
3. 把大米水稻 , 倒入己經融化的黄油和棉花糖里不断轻轻地搅拌 . 一旦它融化关火 .
4. Prepare a tray covered with wax paper, Or spray with cooking spray.
4. 准备一个烤盘铺上腊纸, 或者用烹饪喷雾喷. 將脆皮米倒入盘里.
5. In a baking pan add wax paper and pour the rice crispy
mixture in the pan. once cold begin to cut in squares.
5. 再盖上一层蜡纸上用手轻轻地压平, 待冷却后切成 你歡喜的英寸塊形状.
Feelings after eating
這道美味的甜点脆脆甜甜的, 我吃了3塊还想多加一塊, 很舒服也都很好吃, 朋友試試吧 !