Serves : 5  服務 : 5 
Prepare time : 30 min準備時間 : 30分鐘
Cook time  :  1: 30  hour    烹飪時間 : 1: 30 小时 
April  2014   042014        
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物 
Homemade Gravy Recipe 自制肉汁食谱

Ingredients : 材料  :
Prepare time 月桂葉5  
1 tsp brown sugar 紅糖1茶匙 
2 tsp chicken powder 鸡粉2茶匙   

4 minced garlic 蒜頭4瓣切成末 
4 sprigs of thyme  百里香 4草莖
1/2 cup of white wine 半杯白葡萄酒
2 sprigs of rosemary  迷迭香2草莖

Salt and pepper to taste 
3 carrots cut into inch pieces
5 stem of celery cut inch 

1 can of  chicken broth or water 鸡肉高湯1罐或清水
1 /2 cup flour or  corn starch  麵粉1/2杯或玉米澱粉  


2 medium onions cut into thick pieces 中洋蔥2個切粗塊   
2 tbsp olive oil or vegetable oil  橄欖油2湯匙或植物油  

2 medium onions cut into thick pieces

2 tbsp olive oil or vegetable oil 

1 pound Farmer John Half Ham
1 pieces Farmer John Half – Ham bone  
农民火腿骨头1塊或剩的火鳮骨头 .
4 tbsp of  butter or the fat drippings from the turkey
黃油 4湯匙或从火鸡的脂肪水滴汤汁 . 

Directions :  做法  :          
1. 3 carrots cut into inch pieces,  5 stem of celery cut niche, 2 medium onions cut into thick pieces, Wash all vegetables with water. 4 cloves garlic peeled , 4 slice for pieces of ginger , 2 pound Farmer John Ham and turkey meat, pieces Farmer John Ham bone and turkey bone.    

1. 紅蘿蔔3根切寸塊, 西芹菜5支切英寸大小, 中洋蔥2個切粗塊, 用清水洗干净所有的蔬菜. 蒜頭4瓣去皮, 4片去皮, 2磅农民火腿和火鸡肉,农民火腿骨头1塊或火鳮骨头.

2. In a pan, add olive oil and then saute the ginger first then add in garlic and onion. Add the Farmer John ham bone and ham. Pan fry until golden brown. Then add celery and carrots together.

2. 平底锅加入橄榄油炒香, 先爆香薑片, 蒜粒, 洋葱,加入火腿骨头和火腿肉煎,翻面繼續煎到火腿骨头和火腿金黃色,然后下西芹和紅蘿蔔一起.  

3. Then add in wine, chicken broth or water, bay leafs, rosemary into the pot and cook for 1 hour.

3. 然後注入葡萄酒, 高汤或清水, 加入月桂叶, 巴里香料, 迷迭香, 倒入鍋中悶煮1小時. 

4.  Add all the ingredients in a pot and on high heat. When the broth boils lower the temperature and steam for 1 hour. Then use a strainer to remove the excess fat and all the ingredients. You can add more water if it’s too less. The leftover should be just the stock.

4. 全部材料都倒進燉鍋子裡, 蓋上鍋蓋大火熬煮沸. 然后转小火慢火炖1小时, 用长柄具去除一些多餘的浮末, 材料废渣取出, 然后再加入紅蘿蔔, 西芹, 洋蔥, 此時覺得水不夠可以再加入一些水, 煮直到全部的食材料软爛, 此時鍋里只剩下滚烫的高湯備用. 

5. In a pan, add butter and pour in the broth. Add brown sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Add in corn starch to make it thicker.

5. 燒熱鍋放入黄油,  並將高湯倒進,  繼續用大火加熱至沸騰,  紅糖, 鹽和胡椒粉適量調味 . 接著倒入玉米澱粉水勾芡, 要不時攪拌, 至呈透明狀態, 肉汁收到濃稠美味的自制肉汁醬即完成了 !

6. Stir the gravy until the gravy is thick. The gravy is now down and you can add more corn starch to make it thicker. You can use the gravy right away or leave it in the fridge for later.

6. 依照您喜歡的口味調整湯汁的
濃度 .最好的方法 一次煮上一大鍋然後用小杯分裝放入冰箱凍起來希要吃隨時可方便用

Feelings after eating  : 
I used the country western ham gravy recipe, Also used the ham bones and vegetables simmer stew made into the soup . Meat dipped in sauces are super delicious. You can also use any kind of meat like Turkey to 
make the soup.  This soup is great and has a delicious. Happy enjoy give it a try  !

食後感想 : 
我用了火腿肉來做西餐肉汁食谱 Gravy , 也用了火腿骨头與蔬慢火熬燉製作成的西餐中的肉類食谱料理, 常搭配肉汁一起蘸食 .
酱汁蘸烤肉都超級美味,  製作醬汁也不一定要用火腿肉製作也可用剩下的火鳮骨头或手邊有甚麼肉都可以搭配 . 燉好的高湯醬汁肉味道一樣甜中帶濃厚香味, 營養豐富 .  樂樂試試看吧   !


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