Serves : 4  服務 : 4
Prepare time : 35 min  準備時間 : 35分鐘
Cook time: 20 min  烹飪時間 : 20分鐘
December 2014  122014
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Pan Fried  Potato Cake  香煎薯饼

Ingredients : 材料 :
2 teaspoon wine  2茶匙                             
2 eggs mixing 雞蛋2個打散                           
The amount of water水適量
1/2 teaspoon sugar  1/2茶匙  
Parsley right amount  香菜適量
1 teaspoon sesame oil  麻油1茶匙
1/2 onion chopped  洋蔥1/2個切碎
2 shallot chopped  小红蔥頭2切碎
3 red onion  chopped  干紅蔥頭3切碎
1 teaspoon garlic powder  大蒜粉1茶匙
2 teaspoons chicken powder  雞粉2茶匙
1 bowl of corn starch  玉米澱粉1大碗或
1 teaspoon light soy sauce  淡色醬油1茶匙
3 cloves chopped garlic  大蒜3粒去皮切成碎
1 bowl of Japanese  bread crumbs  麵包糠1
2 stem chopped  green onion  青蔥2切蔥花
Salt and white pepper to taste 鹽和白胡椒粉適量
8 peeled potatoes cut into chunks  馬鈴薯8個去皮切成大塊
1 tablespoon olive or vegetable oil  橄欖油1湯匙或者植物油
1 cup ground beef, or ground pork, bacon, sausage as needed
牛絞肉1碗或碎豬肉, 培根, 香腸根據需要.

Directions :  做法  :     
1. Beat two eggs, add in parsley , 1/2 onion chopped, 3 red onion  chopped, 3 cloves of chopped garlic, 2 shallot chopped, 2 stem green onion chopped.


1. 雞蛋2個打散香菜適量, 洋蔥1/2個切碎, 干紅蔥頭3切碎, 大蒜3粒去皮切碎小红蔥頭2粒切碎, 青蔥2根切蔥花.

2. Clean potatoes and peel skin. Cut into chunks. In a bowl soak with salt water so the potatoes won’t turn brown. Then in a pot, boil water and cook the potatoes till done. Or you can steam the potatoes.

2. 馬鈴薯8個洗淨, 去皮後切成大塊, 都先泡在鹽水碗裡, 這是為了防止馬鈴薯氧化 . 滾水一鍋放入馬鈴薯煮至熟軟撈起, 將多餘的水份瀝乾.  

3. Once the potatoes are done put it in a large pot. And cover and let the potatoes steam for 10 minutes. Then mash the potatoes with a potatoes masher or fork and set aside.

3. 煮熟後, 將土豆放入一個大鍋裡, 蓋上蓋密封, 燜約10分鐘增加幹性之後, 使用叉子或搗碎器將馬鈴薯壓爛成薯蓉, 擱一旁備用. 也可以把馬鈴薯蒸鍋中蒸至熟軟.

4. In a the pot with the potatoes add in eggs, coriander, garlic powder, chicken powder, corn starch,  green onion, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix all the ingredients with the potatoes.

4. 馬鈴薯加材料 : 馬鈴薯趁熱拌入雞蛋, 香菜末,蒜粉,雞粉,玉米澱粉,青蔥花,少許糖, 鹽和白胡椒粉適量 .  攪拌勻.

5. In a bowl, put the the ground beef. Add in the other ingredients: corn starch, soy sauce, sugar, chicken powder, sesame oil, cooking wine, salt and white pepper, water. Then stir the ground beef until it is marinated. In a flat pan, add oil and stir fry garlic, shallots, and onion. Then add in the beef mixture and stir fry until cooked.


5. 牛絞肉醃料:玉米澱粉, 醬油, 糖少許, 雞粉, 麻油, 料酒, 鹽和白胡椒粉適量, 加入清水, 以同一方向攪拌至水份完全被肉吸收用平底鍋放入少許油, 炒香蒜末, 紅蔥頭末, 和洋蔥碎, 以中火一起煎香牛絞肉.

6. After saute  the beef add in the mash potatoes mixture. Mix all the ingredients together and then form it into balls. Then roll the potato in flour and and flatten the ball.

6. 然後把炒香好的牛絞肉, 拌入馬鈴薯泥混合均勻, 再將馬鈴薯牛肉泥揉圓做成一個個大小相同的球, 每個小餅放入麵粉裡沾上一層粉, 並將它們略壓扁成餅狀, 做成餅狀.

7. Then take the potato pancakes and dip in egg then in the Japanese panko crumbs. Then set it aside for 25 minutes.


7. 然後浸入雞蛋液, 再放入幹麵包屑裡裹上麵包屑, 靜置醃約25分鐘, 備用.

8. Then in a pan deep fry the potatoes pancake. Turn the fire on medium and cook till golden brown.


8. 香煎土豆餅:將馬鈴薯餅沾上一層粉後, 沾裹上蛋液, 再將它們裹上日式幹麵包屑, 用平底鍋非常小心地將小餅放進煎, 不要大火煎喔.

Feelings after eating :
These fried potato cakes are full of flavor and is best to fry them on medium heat. These are tasty and easy to make. The potatoes are smooth and delicious. The outside of the potatoes is crispy. I hope you try this recipe and enjoy. 

香煎薯饼再配合上齐全的香料, 还要慢火有耐性的讓薯餅在細火中煎香一塊香噴噴煎香的馬鈴餅,吃起来口感綿密還有著濃濃的马铃薯味試試自製烘烤看看吧 !  您會喜歡這香口美味的馬鈴薯食谱.  











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