Serves  :  3   服务 :  3
Prepare time  :  30 min  准备时间 : 30分钟
Cook time : 25  min 烹饪时间:25分钟  
June  2015  06 2015
Tasteecook  recipes   美味的食物
Pineapple Fried Rice With Chicken Recipe 菠萝鸡粒炒饭食谱


Ingredients : 材料  :                                     1 tsp fish sauce 鱼露1茶匙                        2 tsp  cooking wine 料酒2茶匙 
1 tsp chicken flavor  蚝油1大匙

1 teaspoon soy sauce  酱油1茶匙 

2 teaspoons  olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙 
2 teaspoons loose meat  松肉2茶匙
2 large eggs break up   鸡蛋2粒打散 
1 teaspoon chicken flavor  鸡粉1茶匙

1 teaspoon chicken powder 雞粉 1茶匙  
1 teaspoons corn starch  玉米淀粉2茶匙 3 chopped  shallot  小紅蔥頭3粒切碎  
1 teaspoon oyster sauce 蠔油1茶匙調味
2 teaspoons  red shallot  紅蔥酥4茶匙

2 cloves garlic finely chopped 
1 pound diced chicken breast 
Salt and black pepper to taste  

1/2 medium onion cut grain  中型洋葱1/2个切粒  1 stem green onion chopped pieces  蔥花2根切粒  2 cut cold cooked riced 白米飯2碗放入冰箱过   

1/2 medium onion cut grain  中型洋葱1/2个切粒  
1 stem green onion chopped pieces  蔥花2根切粒     

2 cut of cold cooked riced   白米飯2碗放入冰箱过夜   
1 cut of diced pineapple  菠萝粒3/4

2 tablespoons frozen peas and carrots   
Also you can add same  curry powder  


Directions :  做法 :
1. Prepare ingredients: Cut chicken breast in to cubes, mince garlic and shallots, cut fresh pineapple and sprinkle salt on top, chop stem green onion and chop medium onion into small pieces  .


1.鸡胸肉切成肉丁大蒜,  小紅葱切末新鲜菠萝切成小粒后用盐水泡一下蔥切粒 . 中型洋葱也切粒 .

2.Wash and dry the chicken pieces. Prepare marinade : Cornstarch, white wine, salt, soy sauce. Combine chicken and marinade. Then marinade for 20 minutes . In a large bowl mix large eggs and add salt to taste.


2.雞胸肉洗淨后料酒 , 再調入澱粉和醬油混合均勻醃製20分鐘  . 鸡蛋2粒也打散 加入盐调味 .

3. In a pan on medium heat, add 2 tablespoons cooking oil and then add shallot, minced garlic, chicken  saute. Cook the chicken only till a little golden brown. Not fully cooked. The chicken will continue to cook with the rice. Remove and set aside .


3.一个大鍋加入橄欖油大蒜小紅葱切末炒香下雞肉粒炒煸炒至分熟 . 取出放入碗里 . 備用 . 

4.White rice should be placed in the refrigerator over night, Heat up a saucepan pour some olive oil, onion , white rice and saute, add  frozen peas and carrots  .

4.白米飯應放入冰箱過一夜,  鍋燒熱倒入適量的橄欖,  洋葱粒,白米飯炒香然后 速冻豌豆红蘿蔔  . 

5. Stir in remaining ingredients : Then add crushed pineapple , pour the chicken breast into saute again . Combine saute mixture,  oyster sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce,and chicken powder and add the right amount of salt and pepper to taste .

5.然后加入碎菠萝,  將剛才炒好的雞胸肉再次倒入一起炒再加入蚝油鱼露 , 醬油雞粉以適量的鹽和胡椒粉調味 . 

6. After the eggs, sprinkle a little chopped green onion, crisp red shallot  and mix well. Sprinkle a little loose meat to enjoy   !

6.最后下鸡蛋蔥花,紅蔥酥拌匀撒少許松肉即可享受了  ! 

Feelings after eating  :
Chicken pineapple fried rice is a sweet and savory dish. It is delicious for the family and has a lot of nutritious ingredients.  Enjoy !


食後感想 :
美味开胃的菠萝鸡粒炒饭 是一道色彩絢麗味道甜甜酸酸香噴噴鮮美的食譜,  香甜美味的菠萝可以增加菜的色泽營養很豐富 . 菠蘿雞粒炒飯是一款很受大眾喜愛的炒飯,  菠萝的营养成分更多,  含有大量的果糖, 葡萄糖, 维生素 B.C .
炒一碟菠萝鸡粒饭享享受吧  !   遠方的朋友美味菜譜会讓您在平平淡淡的生活里多一点精彩的回憶 .      

Service : 5  服務 : 5
Prepare time : 40 min  準備時間 :  40分鈡 
Cook time : 35  min 烹飪時間 :  35分鈡 
January 2014  012014
Tasteecook  recipes美味的食物  
Cabbage Meatball紅燒獅子頭    

Ingredients : 材料 :                                    2  eggs 雞蛋兩粒打散
1 block tofu 老豆腐1
1/2 cup water 清水1/2    
2 tablespoons wine 米酒2汤匙
3 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙                              

2 teaspoons sesame oil  麻油 2茶匙   
5 water chestnuts 荸薺5顆去皮切粒  

1 teaspoon brown sugar 红糖1茶匙   
2 teaspoons oyster sauce  蠔油2 茶匙
2 teaspoons light soy sauce 醬油2荼匙 

1 teaspoon chicken flavor  雞粉1 茶匙  
5 garlic finely chopped 大蒜5瓣切末
1 tablespoon black vinegar 黑醋一湯匙  
2 tablespoons cooking wine 料酒2湯匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量     


2 green onion finely shaped 青蔥2棵切粒       
1/2 cut popcorn  爆米花1/2碗或餅干庒碎      
3 shallots finale chapped   乾紅蔥頭3 粒切碎       
3 teaspoons corn starch 玉米淀粉3茶匙或麵 
2 teaspoons ginger finely chapped 2茶匙切末
4 soaked mushroom chopped 冬茹4 個浸軟切粒
1 medium onion finely chopped 中等洋蔥1顆切碎   

3 pounds ground pork 豬絞肉3镑或半肥半瘦的五花肉. 

The ingredients vegetable can add you own and match : bamboo shoots, black mushrooms, cabbage, yams, broccoli, carrots, taro, lotus root, rice.  you also can put together braised.

依照您自己喜欢的口味随意搭配材料和調整 : 竹筍, 黑木耳, 高麗菜, 山藥, 花椰菜, 紅蘿蔔, 芋頭, 蓮藕, 白飯, 都可以放入一起紅燒 . 

 Directions : 做法 :                
1.  Prepare ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 block tofu, 1/2 bowl broken popcorn, 5 peeled water chestnuts chopped or already peeled water chestnuts , 5 garlic finely chopped, 2 green onion finely chopped, 3 shallots finely chopped, 2 teaspoons ginger finely chopped, 4 soaked mushrooms chopped, 1 medium onion finely chopped and 3 pounds ground pork,                                
 1.雞蛋兩粒打散, 老豆腐1塊略壓碎減少內含水份, 爆米花1/2碗庒碎, 荸薺5顆去皮拍碎擰乾,要買已經去皮的荸薺,大蒜5瓣切末,青蔥2棵切粒,乾紅蔥頭3粒切碎, 2茶匙切末,冬茹4 個浸軟切粒, 中等洋蔥1顆切碎, 豬絞肉3镑或半肥半瘦的五花肉.                                                                                        

 2. In a large mixing bowl add ground pork, two beaten eggs, garlic's, ginger, shallots, onion,
water chestnuts, mushrooms, 2 teaspoons light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons wine, 1 teaspoon brown sugar ,1 tablespoon black vinegar ,3 teaspoons corn starch, 2 teaspoons sesame oil ,1 teaspoon chicken flavor, 2 teaspoons oyster sauce. Then add 1 tablespoon glutinous rice flour, 1/2 cup popcorn or crackers broken, salt and pepper to taste, tofu increase Huanen taste, All the ingredients into a big bowl to makes  the meat ball. 

2. 用一個夠大攪拌盆, 放入豬絞肉,打入兩粒雞蛋, 蒜末,薑末,紅蔥頭,洋蔥末, 荸薺, 香菇, 醬油3大匙,米酒2汤匙匙, 红糖1茶匙,黑醋一湯匙,太白粉3大匙及麻油2茶匙, 雞粉1 茶匙, 蠔油2 茶匙, 随后再加入糯米粉1 茶匙, 爆米花1/2碗或餅干庒碎, 鹽和胡椒粉適量, 老豆腐滑嫩增加口感, 材料通通丟進去大盆中製作紅燒獅子頭. 

3. Mix seasoning with hand or with a mixer and stir into the meat ball,  In the mixing process if you feel too little water you can add a little water. Mix ground  meat then  after bunched like meatballs, Marinate 30 minutes in the refrigerator set side

3. 開始用雙手拌勻調味料或者用攪拌機攪拌成肉餡在攪拌過程中如感覺水過少可添加少許水, 一面加水一面攪拌直到水份被肉吸收, 絞肉有黏性能讓肉更扎實, 拌勻後將肉餡分做成圓球揉成肉丸子狀, 放入冰箱里醃30分鐘    備用.

4. After meatballs is done. In a pot add oil on medium heat. Then place the meatballs one by one in the pan. You can also deep fried the meatballs. But this could make meatballs more oil.

4. 肉丸子做好之後,起一鍋倒入適量油,燒到七分左右的熱度,逐個再將肉丸子放入鍋, 中火稍微煎一下定型, 後轉小火煎至兩面呈金黃色撈出瀝油,內餡丸子您也可以用炸的方法,這样肉丸会比較油.

 5. Tear apart the cabbage leaf, Rinse with clean water, add the cabbage, put  all the cabbage leaf  into bottom the casserole. Then add  the fry meatballs into the casserole, At this point you can add the right amount of broth or water , two chili . Continued to simmer for 30 minutes until the cabbage soft. 

5. 將大白菜用手一片一片剝開, 洗淨之后汆燙撈起瀝乾水份, 並把大白菜通通都平舖於熱砂鍋底部. 再把炸過的肉丸子重新下鍋鋪在大白菜的上面, 此時可加入適量的高湯, 開水, 兩根紅辣椒, 大火煮滾後再轉小火慢燉, 繼續燉至大白菜全軟大约燜30分鐘即可

6. Place all the cabbage continued into a slow simmer soft. Make sauce: first prepare pan add olive oil saute ginger,sauce, sugar, wine, broth or water. Finally add cornstarch and cook until thick. 

6.大白菜燉到很透軟爛又吸飽了湯汁, 大白菜在燉煮的過程中會滲出大量水份, 在煮调味汁: 鍋中放入一湯匙油,爆香薑切片,再加入醬油, , 米酒, 倒入清水或高湯淹蓋過食材. 最後用太白粉勾上薄芡煮至浓稠, 熄火. 

7. Take out the meat ball, plate cabbage on the edge of the dish . Finally, sprinkle with diced green onion, little black vinegar and sesame oil. This is the essence of completed delicious  meat ball.  
7. 把內餡丸子盛出, 放入盤子邊上早巳排好的大白菜上, 最後灑上蔥末, 少許烏醋和幾點麻油點香, 就完成這道精華豐盛的紅燒獅子頭囉  !

Feelings after eating  :
The most famous traditional dishes of Yangzhou, this is also for New Year's eve dinner too.
The braised meatball dish must be small fire slowly stewed. The dish looks beautiful . golden yellow color accompanied by rich green cabbage. It will bring you the feeling of happiness in life.

紅燒獅子頭是揚州最有名的傳統名菜, 也是除夕夜飯桌上必有的一道年菜. 煮紅燒獅子頭這道菜一定要細火慢慢燉, 金黃色的顏色配上翠綠青菜看起來美麗豐盛, 打開鍋蓋那濃濃的肉香味配上大白菜的香氣, 會帯給您人生幸福的感覚.