Serves  :  3  服务  :  3  
Prepare time : 20  min  准备时间 : 20 分钟 
Cook time : 15  min 烹饪时间 : 15 分钟   
August 2015  08 2015  
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Stir Fry Soy Beans Bitter Melon黄豆酱炒苦瓜 


Ingredients : 材料  :
1/4 cup of water 清水1/4
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1茶匙
1 teaspoon chili oil 辣椒油1茶匙  

2 teaspoons soy sauce 酱油2茶匙
1 teaspoon slice ginger 薑片4切丝
2 teaspoon cooking wine 料酒2茶匙  
2 teaspoons  olive oil 橄欖油2茶匙

2 teaspoons soy beans黄豆酱2汤匙
1 teaspoon chicken powder雞粉 1茶匙 
3 chopped  red shallot  小紅蔥頭3粒切碎
3 cloves garlic finely chopped 大蒜3瓣切碎

Salt ,black pepper to taste  盐和黑胡椒适量
2 medium bitter melon cut into thick slice 
Also you can add chicken, ham, bacon beef  . The ingredients, vegetable can add you own and match    

配菜也可以添加鳮肉火腿培根牛肉五花肉适量 . 按照您自己喜欢的口味 随意搭配 .

Directions : 做法 :    
1.Wash two medium bitter melon and cut into thick slices. Then wash also place it in salt water to make it less bitter. Place into a large bowl.

1.中型苦瓜用清水洗干净,去籽切薄片, 使用一點點鹽水清洗过, 捞起放入大碗里备用

2. Chop red shallots, crushed garlic, chop green onions and  slice ginger.

2.小紅蔥頭去皮切碎大蒜也去皮後切碎, 青蔥切切碎, 薑切丝 .

3. In a pot add some oil and saute shallots and ginger. Then saute bitter melon until cooked. Add soy sauce and a little bit of water and set aside.

3. 鍋里倒入適量的油,下小紅蔥末, 薑末, 蒜末炒出香味, 再放入苦瓜快速翻炒爆香最后中火炒至变软熟 .

4. Add the soy sauce, chicken broth flavor and a little water. Quickly stir fry and you can add pepper to taste  after the dish is complete. Enjoy !

4. 然后再加入黄豆酱炒出香味, 放入鸡粉和少许水, 转中大火快翻炒, 辣椒可根据个人口味加上 . 炒干後黄豆酱炒苦瓜已完成,盛出放入盤中, 尽情享受吧


Feelings after eating  :
The soy bean helps take away the bitterness of the melon. You can also add miso paste seasoning. Bitter melon is a simple dish to make and is very healthy for you. I hope you try this recipe at home and enjoy !

食後感想 :
介紹这道黄豆酱炒苦瓜, 加入豆酱一起调味, 苦涩味道不会很苦而且还能提香, 搭出一道美味又健康最简单的家常菜食谱, 还有豐富的維他命, 希望您盡情享受吧 !


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