Serves : 3   服务 : 3  
Prepare time  : 10 min  
Cook time : 10 min 
August 2015  08 2015
Tasteecook  recipes  
Chicken Breast Romaine Cups 鸡胸肉罗曼杯

Ingredients : 材料:
3 Avocado 牛油果, 鳄梨
1/2 bowl cottage cheese 奶酪1/2
1 Package fresh  romaine lettuce 新鲜生菜  

1 teaspoons sriracha chili 是拉差辣椒1茶匙  
Salt and black pepper to taste 盐和黑胡椒适量
2 teaspoon butter or olive oil  2茶匙黄油或橄榄油 
2 pound chicken breast cut into thick slice 雞胸肉2磅切塊片

Directions : 做法:
1.Tear apart the Romaine lettuce cups, Rinse with clean water. Add ice water to keep the crispness. Use paper towels to dry the excess water. Set aside on a plate

1. 把罗曼生菜一瓣一瓣地撕下来用清水冲洗干净用剪刀稍稍修剪, 大小可以按照自己的喜好进行裁剪放入冰水裡冰鎮以保持脆度同时以纸巾擦干水份放置在碟子上生菜泡冰水可保持翠綠及爽口清脆 

2. Rinse and dry the chicken pieces, pat dry with paper towel, patted its as much as possible. Prepare marinade : white wine, salt and pepper to taste . Marinated for 15 minutes. .

2. 把雞胸肉用清水洗亁淨, 用紙毛巾將多餘的水份擦乾, 和盡可能多拍拍它, 讓肉更容昜入味 . 並抹上一點點的料酒 , 胡椒粉和鹽醃製, 再調入少許澱粉和混合拌勻, 醃製15分鐘 .

3. Add a little olive oil in a fry pan over medium high heat, Marinated chicken breast in a thin layer of corn starch, pan fry on medium heat until golden brown .

3. 起一平底鍋放少许橄欖油中大火加热, 把腌好的雞胸肉裹上一層薄薄的玉米淀粉, 盖上锅盖以小火煎, 直到倆靣都呈金黃色 . 

4. Put together the lettuce cups: Fresh  romaine lettuce a slice ,  cottage cheese,  add the cottage cheese, chicken breast, You can also add a little Sriracha chili sauce, You should love this delicious chicken breast roman cup .

4. 順序部份先後擺放 : 生菜旪一片把奶酪均勻的放上然后在放入煎好的雞胸肉如喜歡辣的朋友可挤入一点是拉差辣椒酱一起来同食 .您應該會喜歡這道美味的鸡胸肉罗曼杯 . 

Feelings after eating  :
These lettuce wrap cups is a refreshing appetizer dish. The flavors in this dish are spicy, sweet and delicious. It is a simple and healthy dish. Lettuce cup wraps are a popular appetizer and can be filled with lots of different ingredients .

生菜包裹杯是道开胃清爽的好菜用新鮮的生菜包吃起来口感鲜甜, 脆嫩一点都不腻又无负担是一道简单易做好吃的食谱 . 生菜包虽然是道不起眼的家常小菜却可以说是最受欢迎的家常菜肴之一搭配食材或者添加調味料您喜欢就好, 口味一樣香口美味 .       



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