Service: 2  服务 :  2
Preparation time : 30 min  准备时间 : 30 分钟
Cooking time  : 25 min  烹饪时间 : 25 分钟
January  2014 042014
Tasteecook  美味的食物
korean kimchi chicken fried rice  韩国泡菜鸡肉炒饭

Ingredients : 材料 :
2 eggs 鸡蛋2
2 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油2茶匙

1 teaspoon soy sauce 醬油1/2茶匙
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1/2茶匙       2 teaspoons sesame seeds 芝麻2茶匙                1 bowl of diced kimchi  泡菜絲 一碗      
2 teaspoons cooking wine 料酒2茶匙              

1 stem green onion diced  2根切粒   
1 teaspoon  chicken knorr 雞粉1茶匙
1 teaspoons corn starch 玉米淀粉2茶匙  
1 teaspoon ginger chopped  姜末1茶匙   

2 cloves garlic finely chopped 大蒜2瓣切碎
2 small chopped  shallot  小紅蔥頭2粒切碎
1/2 medium onion cut grain  

Salt and black pepper to taste  
2 tablespoons  Korean chili sauce 韓式辣椒醬2湯匙
2 sweet green bell pepper slice  
2 cut of cold cooked riced   
1 pound chicken breast cut into thick slice鸡胸肉1片切粗絲

Directions :  做法  :
1.Wash and dry the chicken breast, cut into thick slices .
1.雞胸肉先洗干淨擦乾水份, 鸡胸肉切成粗絲. 

2.Prepare marinade : 1 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 teaspoons cooking wine , 1 teaspoon soy sauce. Combine chicken breast and marinade. Then marinade for 15 to 20 minutes .
2.用料酒2茶匙調入玉米淀粉1茶匙和醬油1茶匙混合均勻醃製雞胸肉1520分钟 .

3.1 bowl of diced kimchi , mince garlic and shallots, 1 sweet green bell pepper slice, chop stem green onion 1 teaspoon ginger finely chopped and chop medium onion into diced . 
3.韓國泡菜一碗切絲 , 大蒜小紅葱切末, 青甜椒1個切粗絲蔥切粒 . 姜末1茶匙,中型洋葱也切粒. 

4.In a pan on medium heat add 2 tablespoons olive oil , and then add shallot, minced garlic,  ginger diced kimchi, 2 tablespoons Korean chili sauce and chicken breast to saute . Not fully cooked . Remove and set aside  .
4. 熱鍋冷油放入2湯匙橄欖油, 爆香大蒜,小紅葱末,姜末, 放入挤干的韓國泡菜絲, 青甜椒絲,2茶匙韓式辣醬翻炒至8 分中熟. 取出放入碗里 .

5. Cooked white rice should be placed in the refrigerator over night, Heat up a saucepan pour some oil, onion , white rice and saute until golden brown color .
5. 熟白米飯應放入冰箱過一夜, 然后鍋燒熱倒入適量的油, 下洋葱, 把白米飯用锅铲炒散炒香, 最后加入一大韩式辣椒酱翻炒均匀, 即可待米粒鬆散呈干挺后就可以了, 盛起備用 

6.Pour the chicken breast into saute again and add soy sauce, chicken flavor, sesame oil, and sesame, add the right amount of salt and pepper to taste .
6. 再倒入剛才炒好的雞胸肉繼炒, 加入醬油, 雞粉, 麻油, 芝麻, 以適量的鹽和胡椒粉調味 

7.In a large bowl mix large eggs and add salt to taste. sprinkle a little chopped green onion and mix well . Sprinkle sesame seeds to enjoy  .
7. 鸡蛋2粒打散 加入盐调味此時飯中需撒上少許蔥花翻炒幾下拌, 出鍋裝盤表面撒上芝麻即 .

8. Put two fried eggs to serve the korean kimchi chicken fried rice and its done   Enjoy  !
8. 之后煎两个荷包蛋放上, 韩国泡菜鸡肉炒饭就完成了,  享受吧  !

 Feelings after eating :
Korean kimchi chicken fried rice is sweet and spicy. It taste delicious and looks appetizing to eat. You can also add more kimchi sauce  to make it a brighter color and flavor, I like to put one fried egg on top of the fried rice. You can also follow your seasonings, meats or vegetables. This is delicious recipes and could  make your life  more exciting. Hope you try it .

韩国泡菜鸡肉炒饭味道酸甜麻辣滋味丰富色彩絢麗口感格外好吃, 还能帮助消化呢, 是一道香噴噴鮮美的食譜. 泡菜要切细一点炒起来才好吃, 如果您不喜欢放肉的话就光炒泡菜就好了. 炒饭最好是用隔夜饭, 这样炒出来的米饭才会是一粒一粒的, 泡菜汤汁如果您喜就多加一点点, 还可以提色和提味. 我喜欢把炒饭盛出来后放上个煎好的鸡蛋您还可以按照自己的口味和需求潻加入其它的肉類和蔬菜. 遠方的朋友您相嗎美味的菜譜会讓您在平平淡淡的生活里多一点精彩的回憶, 讓我们一起来试试吧


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