Serves  :  3  服务 :  3
Prepare time  :  20 min  准备时间20分钟
Cook time : 20  min 烹饪时间:20  分钟
January 2015  01 2015
Tasteecook  recipes   美味的食物
Potatoes Fried Ground Beef  马铃薯炒牛绞肉

Ingredients :  材料 :
The amount of water水適量
2 teaspoon wine料酒2茶匙
1/2 teaspoon sugar1/2茶匙
1/2 onion chopped洋蔥1/2個切碎
1 teaspoon chicken powder雞粉1茶匙
1 teaspoon garlic powder  大蒜粉1茶匙
1 teaspoon light soy sauce淡色醬油1茶匙
2 red onion chopped干紅蔥頭3切碎切末
3 cloves of garlic chopped大蒜3瓣去皮切成碎
Salt and white pepper to taste 鹽和白胡椒粉適量
1 bowl of corn starch or corn flour玉米澱粉1大碗或
1 teaspoon olive or vegetable oil橄欖油1湯匙或者植物油
8 peeled potatoes, cut into chunks 新鮮馬鈴薯8顆去皮切成1英寸大塊
1 pound of ground beef or ground pork, bacon or sausage as needed. 
牛絞肉1英或者碎豬肉, 培根或香腸根據需要.

Directions :  做法 :
1.Wash 8 potatoes and peel the skin. Then cut into longs wide strips. Soak in salt water so it wont turn brown.

1. 新鮮馬鈴薯8把馬鈴薯洗淨去皮, 後切成长粗條塊, 都先泡在鹽水裡, 這是為了防止馬鈴薯氧化 .

2. Chop ½ onion, 3 shallots and 3 minced garlic.

2. 洋蔥1/2個切碎, 干紅蔥頭3[粒切碎, 大蒜3瓣去皮切碎.

3. In a bowl add ground beef, olive oil, cornstarch, wine and pepper, sesame oil. Marinate for 15 minutes.  

3. 牛绞肉先用油, 玉米淀粉, 米酒, 麻油, 糖少許, 鹽和白胡椒粉適量調味, 牛绞肉混合拌均勻, 醃漬約15分鐘.

4. In a bowl, add the potatoes, salt, garlic powder, cornstarch and mix together. Then in a pan add in oil, pan fry the potato until golden brown. Cover with the lid and let it steam on low heat until potatoes is down.

4. 把馬鈴薯用少許盐, 蒜粉, 沾上一層薄薄的玉米澱粉, 在鍋裡放少許油, 將馬鈴薯條
下鍋煎至兩面都呈金黃色微焦.  繼續蓋上鍋蓋, 密封轉小火慢慢燜至馬鈴薯熟軟

5. In the same pan, stir fry the shallots and onion, chopped garlic and add in the ground beef. Add some water and chicken flavor. Sesame oil, light soy sauce, salt and pepper.   

5. 使用鍋中剩餘下的油, 再燒熱爆香, 干紅蔥碎, 洋蔥丁, 大蒜末, 下牛絞肉以中火一起
快炒,  加進少許食用水, , 雞粉, 麻油, 淡色醬油, 鹽和白胡椒粉適量

6. Then pour the cooked potatoes, ground beef mixed, to complete A potato fried ground beef.

6. 然後把炒好的馬鈴薯倒入, 拌入牛绞肉混合均勻, 即可完成有香味溢出又可口的马铃薯炒牛绞肉了

Feelings after eating  :
I hope you enjoy my recipe thank   !    

食後感想 :

希望你明天以後您依然享受我的食譜謝謝 !




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