Serves  : 4  服务 :  4
Prepare time  :  35 min   備時間:35分鐘 
Cook time : 30 min  烹飪時間:30分鐘
July  2016  07 2016
Tasteecook  recipes   美味的食物
Beef Fried Noodles Recipes  牛肉炒麵條食譜

Ingredients : 材料 :
2 teaspoons chili oil  2茶匙
2 teaspoon soy sauce醬油2 湯匙
1 teaspoon sesame oil香油 1茶匙
3 teaspoons olive oi l橄欖油3茶匙
1 carrot shredded  紅蘿蔔1條切細絲
2 teaspoon black vinegar烏醋2茶匙
2 teaspoons cooking wine  料酒2茶匙
1 teaspoons chicken flavor  雞粉 1茶匙
4 cloves garlic minced  大蒜頭4瓣切末
2 tablespoons oyster sauce蠔油2湯匙
2 pound shredded beef牛肉2磅切粗條
1 teaspoons cornstarch 玉米澱粉 1茶匙
1 onion thinly sliced  ​​洋蔥1顆切成粗條
1/2 teaspoon baking soda蘇打粉1/2茶匙
3 shallots finely chopped 小紅蔥頭3粒切碎
Salt and black pepper to taste  鹽和黑胡椒適量
4 tablespoons sriracha sauce是拉差辣醬4湯匙
1 bunch of chopped fresh parsley 新鮮香菜一束切碎
1 small piece of ginger finely chopped 生薑1小塊切碎
1/4 cabbage shredded or Chinese cabbage高麗菜1/4個切絲
2 stem green onions cut into inch segments  2根切成寸段
1 pound broccoli cut 1 inch pieces  西蘭花1磅切1英寸大塊
1 package 1 pound of fresh thin strips noodle or dry  noodle

You can also choose your favorite flavor random ingredients: cabbage, celery, spinach, cabbage, red green bell pepper, snow peas, white mushrooms, chicken breast, fish, bean sprouts, black mushroom, instead .

您也可以選擇自己喜歡的口味隨意配料:高麗菜, 西芹,菠菜, 白菜, 紅青甜椒, 荷蘭豆, 白蘑菇, 雞胸肉, 魚丸, 豆芽, 香菇, 代替

Directions : 做法   : 
1. Wash all the vegetables, drain excess water, 1 carrot shredded, 4 cloves garlic minced, 1 onion thinly slice d, 1 pound broccoli into piece  , 3 shallots finely chopped, 2 stem green onions cut into inch segments, 1 bunch of chopped fresh cilantro, 1 small piece ginger finely chopped, 1/4 shredded cabbage slice or Chinese cabbage.

1.  先把全部的蔬菜洗乾淨, 瀝干多餘的水份, 紅蘿蔔1條切細絲,大蒜頭4瓣切成末, 洋葱1顆切成粗絲,  西蘭花1磅切塊, 小紅蔥頭3粒切碎,2根切成寸段, 新鲜香菜一束切碎, 1小塊切末, 高麗菜1/4個切絲白菜

2. Clean the beef and pat dry with paper towel to remove excess water. Fresh beef cut thin slices, pound the beef with a pounder. Prepare the marinade : Combine white wine, salt and pepper and marinate for 20 minutes. Preparation of the refrigerator.

2. 鮮牛肉用清水洗亁淨, 用紙毛巾將多餘的水份擦乾, 和盡可能多拍拍牛肉, 讓肉更容昜入味 . 将牛肉切薄片, 並抹上一點點的料酒 , 胡椒粉和鹽醃製, 再調入少許澱粉混合拌勻, 醃製20分鐘放入冰箱

3. Clean the broccoli and cut into ¼ inch pieces. Then boil then broccoli until cooked an remove. In a pan.

3. 一鍋沸水加入1茶橄欖油,1/2茶匙鹽, 把西蘭花和頸分別放入沸水中川燙. 西蘭花不用久煮, 稍微過下沸水即可, 撈出瀝干多餘的水份放入盘中. 備用.

4. In a pan, put some oil and add in shallots, ginger and garlic. Add in slice beef and stir fry and cook till half done.  Remove from pan and set aside.

4. 燒熱炒鍋加入3 茶匙橄欖油, 薑末, 大蒜末, 小紅葱末爆香, 牛肉絲下鍋煸炒8 分熟至金黄色 盛取, 等用於拌麵條.

5. In the same pan, stir fry broccoli,  carrots, onion and cabbage. Stir fry until fully cooked.

5. 同一, 利用鍋中剩餘的油先炒川燙好的西蘭花,再添入紅蘿蔔絲, 洋蔥絲, 高麗菜絲最後才加入用中大火快炒至材料變軟盛出放入大碗裡.

6. Prepare the sauce: In a bowl add in water, soy sauce, chili oil, sesame oil, vinegar,  chicken flavor and oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and pepper. Mix well.

6. 此時应事先调好醬汁: 取一个碗放入水適量醬油, 辣椒油, 香油, 烏醋, 雞粉, 蚝油,老抽, 盐和黑胡椒适量調味. 混合拌勻成为调味汁. 

7. Prepare one pot hot water and add in some salt and oil. Cook the noodle and use chopsticks to stir. When the noodle is in the pot and the water is boiling add in some cold water. You can read the instructions how to cook the noodles on the box. Remove the noodles and rinse with water and drain the water. Place the cooked noodles in the pot.

7. 準備一鍋滾水, 加少許鹽和油, 煮麵的時後要多加水, 同時當鍋裡的水已經燒開, 下麵條入滾水川燙, 后用筷子攪拌, 要來點少許冷水. 並繼續煮沸騰至麵條中間還有一點白芯.保持其Q滑軟彈的口感. 燙好後用不銹鋼長柄撈出麵條瀝乾水份. 您也可以根據包裝說明麵條的烹飪方法. 

8. At this time, add the vegetables and beef. Pour the sauce we made earlier on top of the noodles. Then add in green onion and turn the heat on low. Stir until all the noodles and ingredients are mixed well. 

8.此時再次倒回先前熟的菜蔬配料,牛肉片, 要边炒边淋入己調好的調味汁, 少許青蔥, 最後轉小火快速炒片刻, 動著要快充分的拌匀, 直到每一條麵裹上調味汁. 差不多了關火即可盛盤, 美味的牛肉炒麵條完成了.



Feelings after eating  :     
Today I am happy to share this dish with you. This delicious stir fry noodle dish is easy to make and everyone enjoys it. The noodles are cooked perfectly with the right amount of flavors. The noodle you can use for soup. This dish is very popular and you can also add in other ingredients you like. You can also use dry noodles. 

食後感想 :
今天很高興和大家一起分享一道, 鲜麵條炒牛肉味道新鮮爽口, 把麵條炒得又幹又香, 还要有咬勁, 味道口感格外好吃, 麵條用於炒或煮成高汤麵, 都是最好的食譜, 而且麵條可是很多家庭喜爱的主食之一, 配料您自已喜欢的蔬菜, 家裡有什麼食材都可以自已搭配,  您也可以用乾麵條煮食.


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