Serves : 4  服務 : 4
Prepare time : 25 min  準備時間 : 25分鐘
Cook time : 20 minutes  烹饪时间 : 20 分钟       
July 2016  07 2016                    
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Chicken Breast with Rice  雞胸肉

Ingredients: 材料 :
2 teaspoon chicken  knorr 2茶匙
2 cup of long grain rice 长粒米2
3 stem green onion chopper 青3根切葱粒
3 shallot finely chopped 小紅蔥頭3粒切碎
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger  薑末 1 茶匙
alt and black pepper to taste  盐和黑胡椒适量
1 cups of chicken Stock,or water  鳮汤1罐或清水
2 pound cooked chicken breast  煮熟鸡胸肉2撕開
1 teaspoons of olive oil or salad oil  橄欖油1碗或沙拉油
1 bundle of fresh romaine lettuce wash and drain the water after slicing
How To Make Tasty fish Sauce  如何做出美味的的鱼露
4 bowl of cooked rice preferably in the refrigerator  overnight 白米饭4碗最好放入冰箱隔夜
You can add you own and match the ingredients : cucumber 
按照您的選擇材料 : 小黃瓜

Directions :  做法  :
1. Prepare ingredients: 1 small onion chopped, 3 minced shallots and 3 green onion. Tear the romaine lettuce and wash and towel dry. You can cut into pieces. Place all ingredients on a plate.

1. 小紅蔥頭3粒切碎, 青葱3根切葱粒 , 把翠綠及爽口的羅曼生菜一瓣一瓣地撕下來, 用清水沖洗乾淨, 同時以紙巾擦乾水份, 大小可以按照自己喜好切條, 放置在碗里.

2. Clean the chicken breast and boil 1 pot hot water. Place the ginger and green onion and some salt. Remove the chicken after boiled and dry it with a paper towel and let it cool. When the chicken is cold tear the chicken breast into slices.

2. 把雞胸肉洗乾淨, 煮一鍋沸水, 放半湯匙鹽, 少許薑和蔥段,可以去除雞肉的腥氣把雞胸肉放進沸水中, 中火煮10分鐘左右, 後熄火再加蓋燜5分鐘, 以便雞肉熟透, 撈起後用紙毛巾擦乾雞胸肉多餘的水份, 待涼. 然後用雙手撕開雞胸肉.

3. Wash the rice with water and clean. Then use the strainer to remove the water. Let the water strain for about 15 minutes.

3. 香米用清水洗干净用不銹鋼長柄篩去多餘的水份至少搁15分鈡.

4. In one pot, put in olive oil and add shallots. Pour the rice to stir fry until the shallots mix up with rice. When the rice is golden brown then turn off the heat.

4. 然后取一鍋倒入橄欖油, 爆香干紅蔥頭, 把白米粒炒到有香味溢出, 翻炒至紅蔥油均匀覆盖到米粒上. 當米粒炒到鬆散呈金黃色在鍋裡蹦起. 真香.

5. Remove the stir fry rice to the cooker and add the chicken brother and salt then cover. Let the rice fully cook in the rice cooker. Open it and mix the rice. After you sauteed the rice it is more fragrant and softer.

5. 將炒香過的白米粒移入電飯鍋裡, 加入適量雞湯, 鹽和雞粉蓋上鍋蓋煮, 等待發出鳴聲時打開電飯煲, 然後將煮熟的香飯輕輕拌松, 炒過的米粒煮熟後味道比較香, 飯也會比較軟好吃.

6. In a small pot boil some oil then add in the green onion and add in some salt.

6. 將半碗热油淋入青葱粒加少許盐.做成香葱. 

8. You can use ginger sauce or fish sauce for this dish.

8. 通常您也可以选择搭配薑蓉醬或適量的魚露汁一起吃.
D 103 How To Make Tasty fish Sauce  如何做出美味的鱼露.
D 142 Homemade Ginger Sauce Recipe 自制姜蓉酱食谱.


   Feelings after eating  :

This recipe is delicious and full of flavor. The sauteed red onion gives the rice a fragrant aroma. The chicken soup makes the rice delicious and moist. The romaine lettuce gives the dish a nice crunch and is refreshing. This dish is easy to make and I hope you enjoy  !  

雞胸肉飯是一道美味香飯食譜用爆香干紅蔥油煸炒大米片刻可以讓米粒吸收蔥油的香氣還有雞湯的調味使米飯煮熟更加香噴噴油潤再搭配新鮮的羅美生菜絲吃起來口感鮮甜酥脆是道開胃爽口的香飯一點都不油膩又無負擔是道非常簡單易做的食譜盡情享受吧 !


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