Serves : 5 服務
: 5
Prepare time : 30 min準備時間 : 30分鐘
Cook time: 20 min 烹飪時間 : 25分鐘
February 2016 02月2016年
Tasteecook recipes 美味的食物
Turkey Ham and
Lettuce Wraps火腿和生菜包裹捲餅
Ingredients : 材料
5 slices of ham 火腿6片
5 sheet tortillas 玉米餅卷5片
5 mixing eggs 雞蛋
5 strips of bacon 培根5片煎酥脆
5 slices of American cheese or any cheese you like
1 bundle of fresh lettuce wash and drain the water, after slicing
You can add you own and match the ingredients : Tomato, cucumber, Tabasco sauce, spicy sriracha, cream cheese or mayonnaise or dressing of your choice
按照您的選擇 : 番茄, 小黃瓜, 塔巴斯科辣椒醬, 是拉差辣,
Directions : 做法:
1. Tear the roman lettuces into one piece. Clean with water and use the
scissors to trim the ends and dry with a paper towel. Place on plate. Then pan
fry 5 strips of bacon.
1. 首先把羅美生菜一瓣一瓣地撕下來分片, 用清水沖洗乾淨,
用剪刀稍稍修剪後, 大小可以按照自己的喜好進行裁剪, 後將多餘的水份瀝乾. 放置在碟子上. 培根5片煎酥脆, 待用.
2. Beat the eggs and add salt. Use a pan and put in the eggs. When the egg is cooked plate and set aside.
2. 蛋打散成蛋液調入少許鹽, 取一平底煎鍋以中火預熱, 再慢慢倒入蛋液, 並輕輕滑動鍋身讓蛋液均勻的佈滿鍋面, 蛋液凝固完全熟透煎成蛋皮, 然後用鏟子起鍋放涼.
3. 順序部份先後擺放:用一張玉米餅攤在碟上, 玉米餅下方放一片奶酪,
脆培根放在餅皮中間, 後再鋪上火雞肉, 最後羅美生菜, 就可以開始用手緊緊包裹, 像花卷一樣卷起來蓋住配料, 繼續往上捲起成圓筒狀. 成玉米餅卷.
4. In the end, wrap in saran wrap.
4. 最後上面再裹卷一層保鮮膜, 從保鮮膜切片刪除卷,
Feelings after eating :
This wrap is easy to make and delicious. The fresh roman lettuce makes
it crunchy and the bacon makes it crispy. This wrap is healthy and easy to make.
I hope you like it .
自製玉米起司捲餅沙拉, 包裹搭配食材有新鮮的羅美生菜, 雞蛋, 火雞肉, 又有培根,
吃起來口感鮮甜酥脆, 是道開胃爽口清脆的好菜, 香口又美味一點都不膩又無負擔, 是道非常簡單易做又好吃的食譜, 含有豐富的維他命, 您一定會喜歡, 朋友盡情享受吧