December 8 2015 morning 9 : 00 
1282015 早上9 : 00
Jack is a dog the first anniversary of the death of my love

Time flies. Last year of today, in the morning I fed Jack food and he only ate a few bites of food. Then he drank a little water and went to sleep. I felt a burst of cold wind over my heart, I said to myself, Jack please don’t leave me today. Jack never woke up and I realized my long time dog has passed. I was so sad and it felt like a knife in my heart. I cried so much and felt a loss of hope.

時間过得真快.想起去年的今天, 我把食物餵給傑克吃, 可是你只吃了幾口食物, 渴了少許水. 然後傑克睡覺去了, 一陣一陣寒風吹了過來涼了我的心, 悄悄的對自己說傑克你該不是今天就離開我吧!果然傑克永遠再也起不來了. 究竟是誰喚走了我親愛的傑克, 我心裡好難過, 我哭了好傷心, 那痛苦的煎熬猶如刀子刺痛了我的心, 覺得我的生活失去了希望.  

 One year later, I still miss Jack and reminisce  about the memories. Looking back that long seventeen years, Jack accompanied me and was my shadow, my smile, and he brought me happiness. He was my soulmate and my life long friend. I will never forget the past and Jack will always be on my mind.

年後的今天, 气候暮色蒼茫, 又近黃昏, 只有一片一片冷風的聲音, 傑克今天我坐在夕陽下為你流了懷念的眼淚, 我心依舊難捨對你的思念, 因為我失去你. 再回首那漫長的十七年里.  傑克伴著我, 你的影子, 你的笑顏, 帶給我的快樂, 你是我精神的支柱, 我生活上的朋友, 往事歷歷永難忘記, 往日和你的痕跡, 如今, 傑克依旧深深的在我的腦海里.

Since Jack has passed away I have felt more lonely and I miss him everyday. One thing in this world money can’t buy is the memories of my beloved Jack. 


傑克自從你離我遠去, 我的生活裡多了一份懷念, 更多的寂寞. 這世界上有一樣東西是金銭賣不到的那就是回憶. 難以忘懷傑克, 今生我也不養狗了, 因為要把全部的回憶畄給我親愛傑克.
Every time when I walk through the streets with jack and take a walk. I see Jack looking back at me and I feel like he sees all the difficult times we had and how I was always there for him. I feel like jack is saying that he is thanking me for not giving up on him  and that I kept him throughout the difficult times. When Jack was blind I feel like he is thanking me for guiding him through everything. Since Jack lived in a dark world because he was blind I could tell he was afraid and anxious. I would tell him to not be scared and pat him for comfort. I was his light and gave him hope and strength. When the nights were cold I would cover him with a blanket. When he was thirsty I would bring water for him. When he was tired of walking I would put him a dog stroller. Sometimes at night I would wake up and feel he is laying beside me. But when I wake up it’s just a dream.


毎當我走過和傑克成經散步過的街道, 傑克回頭看著我, 眼裡閃著孤寂, 喃喃低語, 對我說,親愛的主人, 謝謝您, 謝謝您在最辛苦, 最希要幫助的時候, 您依然緊緊的捉我的手, 親愛的主人, 您還是不題意放丟我, 您更不願意見我變成了孤兒. 當我眼晴看不見了, 從此我活在黑暗的世界裡, 我是多麼的徬徨和害怕主人依偎在您懷中, 拍拍我的肩膀, 您悄悄的對我說不要害怕. 主人您像是一道光芒指引著傑克. 您給我活下去的勇氣. 寒冷的夜裡您幫我蓋上溫暖的棉被. 我走累了您還帶了水給我喝, 然後把我放入嬰兒車裡, 帶我到處去散步.我恍然回神原來是一埸心碎的夢. 如傑克依然在眼前.

Today is a special day. There is a Chinese song that reminds me of today. It is a called the sunset song. The meaning of it is to share together and
This song reminds me of jack and here are some of the lyrics
Evening sunset  is in my heart appears Jack.your beautiful, your naive, Like my heart covered sunset clouds.
I have past many many day the eventide.
How many times the sun was setting
Just to wait for Jack. Suddenly hear your voice rennin to me... your voice rennin to me...


傑克今天是特殊的日子, 讓我們一起來分享一首譜成心靈的歌吧 歌名 ( 又是黃昏)
又是黃昏夕陽西沈在我心裡出現一個人,你的美麗, 你的天真, 就像晚霞舖滿我的心
到如今我度過多少黃昏多少次夕陽西沈就為了等候初戀的人,  忽然聽見你的聲音向我這裡飛奔... . 向我這裡飛奔.....


Farewell my dear Jack.  Jack Let us share all the memories together. 



永別了我親愛的傑克. 傑克讓我們
一起再回憶裡重相逢吧 .

           Farewell my dear Jack.  Jack Let us share all the memories        together. 


     永別了我親愛的傑克. 傑克讓我們一起再回憶裡重相逢吧 .


Today is a special day. There is a Chinese song that reminds me of today. It is a called the sunset song. The meaning of it is to share together and
This song reminds me of jack and here are some of the lyrics
Evening sunset  is in my heart appears Jack.
your beautiful, your naive, Like my heart covered sunset clouds.
I have past many many day the eventide.How many times the sun was setting, Just to wait for Jack

Suddenly hear your voice rennin to me... your voice rennin to me... voice rennin...

你的美麗, 你的天真, 就像晚霞舖滿我的心
就為了等候初戀的人,  忽然聽見你的聲音向我這裡飛奔... . 向我這裡飛奔... 



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