Serves : 2   服务 : 2
Prepare time  : 20 min  准备时间20分钟
Cook time : 12  min 烹饪时间:12分钟   
June  2015  06 2015
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物 
Pan- Fried Salmon and Sesame 煎鲑鱼和芝麻  (三文鱼)

Ingredients :    材料  :
2 tablespoons wine  料酒2汤匙
1 pound mushrooms 蘑菇1磅切片
2 teaspoons soy sauce 醬油2茶匙
3 tablespoons  olive oil 橄欖油3湯匙 
1 teaspoon garlic powder 蒜粉1茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
1 teaspoon garlic powder 白芝麻3大匙
1 teaspoon  cornstarch  玉米澱12茶匙 
1 pound salmon fillets  鮭魚1英磅厚片 

Directions : 做法 :                              
1. Rinse and drain fish : pat dry with paper towel . Sprinkle with seasoning, wine , cornstarch, garlic powder, Salt and pepper to taste . Let it sit and marinate .

1. 先將三文魚清洗乾淨刮掉魚鱗, 同时以纸巾擦乾魚肉多餘的水份, 並抹上一點點的料酒白胡椒粉和鹽醃製一下 . 

2. Brush a little bit of garlic powder on the salmon, And coated with a thin layer of corn starch, Add more flavor and and dip in egg, and white sesame seeds.

2. 將三文魚均匀撲上一點點的蒜粉, 和沾上一層薄薄的玉米淀粉, 可令魚肉鎖在裡面, 吃起來更滑更入味可口 . 蘸裹上蛋液, 再將魚裹上白芝麻

3. Add a little olive oil in a fry pan over medium high heat, Add marinated salmon into the pan fry until the bottom surface of stereotypes, and cover the pot with a small huojian.

3. 起一平鍋放少许橄欖油中大火加热, 將醃好的三文魚放入油锅煎至底面定型, 盖上锅盖以小火煎, 根据鱼肉的厚度把表面煎至魚呈金黃色, 翻面再煎另一面至略焦时, 将煎好的鱼取出摆盘即可. 

4. Fresh mushrooms wash and cut into thick slices, using the original pot with less oil to saute the  mushrooms, white pepper and salt over medium until soft .

4. 新鲜蘑菇洗乾淨, 去蒂, 去皮切成中厚片, 利用原鍋裡留下一部分的油繼續炒香蘑菇加入些白胡椒粉和鹽用中火炒蘑菇至变软, 搭配吃起來比較不油 .  備用.






5. Put aside the cooked mushroom and salmon. This dish is healthy and tasty. I hope you enjoy it  !

5. 把炒软的蘑菇放入到鲑魚当中, 使菜肴更具美颜色的组成, 絕對好味道,好好享用吧. 

Feelings after eating  :
Salmon is a fish I really enjoy eating. You can use it in soup, stir fry or braised. Its healthy and nutritious with lots of protein. This dish taste delicious and after eating this you will want to cook it again. I hope you try this recipe and enjoy it  !

食後感想 :
鮭魚(三文魚)是一种我很喜欢吃的鱼类, 用来煮湯, 红烧 或者用油煎至表面微黄口感更美味, 鮭魚营养豐富价值含有大量的蛋白质这种鱼类的肉质
特别鲜嫩味道鲜美食用后会让你回味無窮建议多多試試享受吧  !  





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