Serves : 4 服務 : 4
Prepare time :
35 min 準備時間 : 35分鐘
Cook time: 30
min 烹飪時間 : 30分鐘
May 2016 05月2016年
Tasteecook recipes 美味的食物
Panini Sandwiches
Recipe 帕尼尼三明治食谱
Ingredients : 材料
4 teaspoons
butter 黄油4茶匙 盎司
4 teaspoons Mayonnaise 美乃滋4茶匙
salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉調味 10 slice sourdough bread
1 bowl basil pesto sauce 羅勒香草醬1碗
1 peeled zucchini slice 西葫芦1个去皮切片
1/2 pound
of sliced mushrooms 蘑菇半磅切片
2 tomatoes cut into thick slices 蕃茄2 粒切厚片
1 red onion cut into thick strips 紅洋葱1棵切棵切粗條
1 red or green
bell pepper cut into thick slice
1 cup shredded cheese
or block of cheese grater
1 cup Mozzarella shredded cheese or cheese grater
You can add you own and match the ingredients :
You can add you own and match the ingredients :
Turkey, ham, bacon, hot pepper sauce, pizza sauce, mustard seed salad dressing, jalapeno, eggplant, dill vine leaves, lemon juice, boiled eggs, avocado, apples, white bread with avocado, tuna.
火鸡,火腿,培根,辣椒醬, 比薩調味, 芥末籽沙拉醬, 墨西哥辣椒, 茄子,蘿蔓生菜葉, 檸檬汁, 水煮蛋,酪梨,蘋果,白面包. 鳄梨, 鮪魚.
火鸡,火腿,培根,辣椒醬, 比薩調味, 芥末籽沙拉醬, 墨西哥辣椒, 茄子,蘿蔓生菜葉, 檸檬汁, 水煮蛋,酪梨,蘋果,白面包. 鳄梨, 鮪魚.
Directions : 做法:
1. Prepare
ingredients: Clean all the vegetables. Please peel and slice zucchini , slice 1
avocado, cut the tomatoes into thick slices, cut one red onion into thick
slices, cut red or green sweet pepper into thick strips, slice a ½ pound of
sliced mushrooms. Set all the ingredients aside.
Boil the whole chicken breast and then cut into ½ inch cube. In a pan, saute
the green onions and then add the chicken and then stir fry. Place the chicken
in the refrigerator and set aside. Then in a pan, half cook the zucchini, mushrooms, and red onions.
2. 全塊雞胸肉煮熟後, 再把雞胸肉切半英寸塊, 備油鍋先爆香蔥白, 後下雞胸肉炒香, 放入冰箱裡,
將西葫蘆, 蘑菇,洋蔥烤到8分熟便可.
3. 順序放上各種食材與醬料: 一個碟將兩片麵包一面塗上黃油, 另一面塗上羅勒香草醬, 塗了奶油的那面朝上, 鋪上奶酪絲, 雞胸肉, 西葫蘆片,蕃茄片, 鱷梨, 紅洋蔥,
蘑菇片, 紅色甜椒. 再鋪上一層乳酪絲,
4. Place
the other slice of bread on top and then place the sandwich in the panini maker and cover until crispy and golden brown.
You can add in other ingredients as well.
4.最後放上另一片面包蓋住餡料. 把麵包放到已加熱的帕尼尼 (panini ) 烤盤上, 壓上鍋蓋中小火烤, 麵包續烤至兩面微脆及有烙印,用同一樣的方法多做几个麵包.
Feelings after eating :
I hope you enjoy making this delicious panini sandwich at your home. You can use olive oil instead of butter. If you want it more crispy you can leave it on longer in the panini maker. This recipe can be changed on how you like it by adding different ingredients or meats. The smell of this sandwich is good and you can add in any other sauces. This dish is tasty and looks delicious with all the colors of the vegetables. The panini sandwich is best eaten when fresh and hot. This dish is one of my favorites! I hope this will be one of your favorites too !
食後感想 :
自已在家裡也能做出簡單美味的帕尼尼麵包, 要塗上奶油或是植物油去烤才會讓麵包更加酥脆. 喜歡味道豐富一點的, 放入多一點內餡, 吃時能增加麵包層次的美味感. 烤得金黃色的帕尼尼麵包一出爐就有起司的香氣, 還有搭配自製調好的羅勒香草醬, 金黃色的顏色配上翠綠青菜看起來美麗豐盛, 剩熱吃一口是我的最愛, 相信也是您的最愛.