Serves  :  3  服務 :  3
Prepare time  :  20 min  準備時間 : 20 分鐘
Cook time : 20 min烹飪時間 : 20分鐘
July 2014  072014
Tasteecook  recipes美味的食物
Tomato and Shrimp Chow Fun 番茄虾仁炒河粉  

Ingredients: 材料 :
3 teaspoons water 清水3茶匙 
1 bowl of bean sprouts 豆芽1
1 onion shredded  洋蔥1顆切條  

1 teaspoon soy sauce 酱油1 湯匙         1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1茶匙    
1/2 cup tomato sauce 番茄汁1/2
3 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙 

1/4 tsp baking soda 苏打粉1/4茶匙 
2 teaspoons cooking wine 料酒2茶匙
3 finely chopped garlic 蒜頭3瓣切末  
2 teaspoons chicken favor 雞粉 2茶匙             

2 tablespoons oyster sauce 蚝油2湯匙  
1 pound shrimp peeled  蝦仁1镑去殼       
3 eggs broken up 雞蛋3只打散成蛋汁

1 teaspoons cornstarch 玉米淀粉 1      Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量
1/2 carrot shredded  紅蘿蔔1/2條切細絲
1 pound rice noodle  ( chow fun ) 鲜河粉1

2 shallots finely chopped  紅蔥頭2粒切碎
2 stem green onions shredded  

1 pound fresh tomatoes cut into chunks 
The ingredients vegetable can add you own and match  

Directions : 做法 :          
1. Tear the skin off the shrimp and remove the poop and clean with water. Paper towel dry the shrimp and add baking powder. This will make the shrimp crunchy.

1. 新鮮的蝦仁1鎊剝殼, 從背部劃一刀挑出黑線, 但不切斷清, 洗乾淨, 用紙巾擦乾多餘的水份, 用少許發酵粉拌勻, 保持蝦仁的脆度和口感,放入冰箱備用.


2. In a hot pan, fry the shrimp until pink or if you don’t want to pan fry you can also boil the shrimp
 2. 熱鍋涼油, 緊跟就將蝦仁滑入油鍋變紅色或煸炒至蝦仁變紅色,也可以把蝦仁稍微放入沸水中川燙, 不用川燙太久變紅色撈出放入碗中,  備用.

3. Clean the beansprouts and dry the water. Cut one onion into strips and mince 3 garlic, beat 3 eggs, slice one carrot, cut 2 shallots, chop 2 green onion.

3. 豆芽1碗洗淨, 瀝幹多餘的水份, 洋蔥1顆切粗條, 蒜頭3瓣切末, 雞蛋3只打散成蛋汁, 紅蘿蔔1條切粗絲, 小紅蔥頭2粒切碎, 2根切成寸段

4. Beat the egg and add some salt. Cut the tomatoes into chunks and remove the seeds. Boil the tomatoes in water and remove and drain the water.

4. 雞蛋3粒加入1/4茶匙鹽打散成蛋液, 新鮮番茄1鎊丟籽切大塊稍微放入沸水中川燙, 瀝乾水份, 盛出

5. In a hot pan, add oil and stir fry the shallots, garlic and onion. Then add in the tomatoes and pan fry.

5. 燒熱炒鍋加入橄欖油3茶匙,放入紅蔥頭末蒜末洋蔥絲爆香, 加入番茄塊翻炒一下.

6. On medium heat, add in the noodles and pan fry. Add in dark soy sauce, bean sprouts, light soy sauce, oyster sauce and eggs. Increase the heat and stir fry. 

6. 用中大火把河粉放入鑊中煎至兩面金黃色, 然後倒入老抽, 豆芽, 醬油, 蠔油雞蛋液, 然後用大火快速翻炒使每一條河粉裹上蛋液. 充分的拌勻.

7. Then add in the shrimp, tomatoes and green onions. onion, carrot, tomato sauce, 
add salt and pepper to taste.

7. 再次倒回先前川燙炒好的蝦仁, 此時需要添加全部材料, 少許麻油, 番茄, 洋蔥,紅蘿蔔, 淋入番茄汁,蔥段, 鹽和胡椒粉適量調味炒勻入味.

8. Open the fire big and let the tomatoes sauce blend with the noodles. Then remove from fire.

 8. 最後開大火快速翻炒, 動著要快把調味汁拌均河粉, 直到完成番茄蝦仁炒河粉, 裝盤即可出鍋.


Feelings after eating  :   
My children love this dish and it is there favorite.  This tomato  fry noodles has a savory taste and it taste delicious. This dish has a lot of nutrients. The color of the dish is lively. I am very happy to share this dish with you . 

食後感想 :
今天我炒了一碟儿子最喜欢吃的菜, 番茄虾仁炒河粉, 这是一款酸甜美味的食譜, 而且味道新鲜爽口, 营养也好, 又健康. 虾仁软嫩, 色泽鲜红, 含有丰富的蛋白质和钙等营养价值, 朋友我很高興可以和您一起分享.  

Serves : 5  服務 : 5 
Prepare time : 30 min準備時間 : 30分鐘
Cook time: 20 min 烹飪時間 : 25分鐘 
February 2016   022016 
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物
Turkey Ham and Lettuce Wraps火腿和生菜包裹捲餅


Ingredients : 材料  :
5 slices of ham  火腿6
5 sheet tortillas  玉米餅卷5
5 mixing eggs  雞蛋 5粒打散成蛋汁
5 strips of bacon  培根5片煎酥脆 
5 slices of American cheese or any cheese you like
1 bundle of fresh lettuce wash and drain the water,  after slicing

You can add you own and match the ingredients : Tomato, cucumber, Tabasco sauce, spicy sriracha, cream cheese or mayonnaise or dressing of your choice
按照您的選擇 : 番茄, 小黃瓜, 塔巴斯科辣椒醬, 是拉差辣, 奶油乳酪或蛋黃醬或您選擇敷料


Directions : 做法:
1. Tear the roman lettuces into one piece. Clean with water and use the scissors to trim the ends and dry with a paper towel. Place on plate. Then pan fry 5 strips of bacon. 

1. 首先把羅美生菜一瓣一瓣地撕下來分片, 用清水沖洗乾淨, 用剪刀稍稍修剪後, 大小可以按照自己的喜好進行裁剪, 後將多餘的水份瀝乾. 放置在碟子上. 培根5片煎酥脆, 待用.

2. Beat the eggs and add salt. Use a pan and put in the eggs. When the egg is cooked plate and set aside.  

2. 蛋打散成蛋液調入少許鹽取一平底煎鍋以中火預熱再慢慢倒入蛋液並輕輕滑動鍋身讓蛋液均勻的佈滿鍋面蛋液凝固完全熟透煎成蛋皮然後用鏟子起鍋放涼. 


 3. Start to wrap: place the tortilla on the place and add in the cheese slice, bacon, ham and lettuce. Then wrap it up like a burrito. And now you have quick and easy wrap.

3. 順序部份先後擺放:用一張玉米餅攤在碟上, 玉米餅下方放一片奶酪, 脆培根放在餅皮中間, 後再鋪上火雞肉, 最後羅美生菜, 就可以開始用手緊緊包裹, 像花卷一樣卷起來蓋住配料, 繼續往上捲起成圓筒狀. 成玉米餅卷

4. In the end, wrap in saran wrap.

4. 最後上面再裹卷一層保鮮膜, 從保鮮膜切片刪除卷, 重複做直到完成了玉米餅包裹火腿沙拉

Feelings after eating  :     

This wrap is easy to make and delicious. The fresh roman lettuce makes it crunchy and the bacon makes it crispy. This wrap is healthy and easy to make. I hope you like it .

自製玉米起司捲餅沙拉, 包裹搭配食材有新鮮的羅美生菜, 雞蛋, 火雞肉, 又有培根, 吃起來口感鮮甜酥脆, 是道開胃爽口清脆的好菜, 香口又美味一點都不膩又無負擔, 是道非常簡單易做又好吃的食譜, 含有豐富的維他命, 您一定會喜歡, 朋友盡情享受吧 !