Serves : 6  服務 : 6
Prepare time : 25 min準備時間 : 25 分鐘
Cook time: 25 min 烹飪時間 : 25分鐘 
July 2014  072014 
Tasteecook  recipes 美味的食物
Tofu Miso braise Salmon 味噌鲑鱼干烧豆腐

Ingredients : 材料  :         
3 tablespoons wine料酒3汤匙
1 teaspoons soy sauce 醬油1茶匙
1 teaspoon garlic powder 蒜粉1茶匙
1 teaspoon ginger chopped 姜末1茶匙  
3 tablespoons  olive oil 橄欖油3湯匙 
3 tablespoons miso sauce 味噌酱 3    1 teaspoon  chicken flavor 雞粉1茶匙 
Salt and pepper to taste 鹽和胡椒粉適量    
2 tofu cut into thick slices 豆腐2塊切厚片 
1 dry red pepper chopped紅辣椒1粒切碎 
2 stem green onion cut and half 青蔥2支切半段 
3 peeled garlic finely chopped 大蒜3瓣去皮切末
1/2 cups water or chicken broth 清水1/2杯或雞湯 
2 teaspoons cornstarch add water玉米澱粉2茶匙   
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar  棕櫚糖1/2茶匙或红糖
11/2 pounds salmon cut 1 inch thick slice 三文魚11/2英鎊

Directions :  做法 :  
1. Prepare ingredients : Peel and chop 3 garlic cloves, chop 1 teaspoon ginger,  cut 2 pieces of tofu into thick slices, chop 1 dried red pepper and cut 2 green onions in half.

1. 大蒜3瓣去皮切末, 姜末1茶匙, 豆腐2塊切厚片, 紅辣椒1粒切碎, 青蔥2支切半段.


 2. Clean and remove scales of Salmon. Pat dry with paper towel to remove excess water. Spread on a little bit of wine, garlic powder and pepper and salt.  Then add in corn starch. Let it marinate to make the fish more delicious

2. 先將三文魚清洗乾淨刮掉魚鱗, 同时以纸巾擦乾魚肉多餘的水份, 並將三文魚均匀抹上一點點的料酒, 蒜粉, 白胡椒粉和鹽, 后抹上一層薄薄的玉米淀粉, 可令魚肉鎖在裡面, 吃起來更滑更入味可口.  


3. In a pan add in olive oil, pan fry the marinated fish.  Cover with a lid and turn the heat on low. Then cook until golden brown and cook the same on the other side.

3. 起一平鍋放少许橄欖油中大火加热, 將醃好的三文魚放入油锅煎至底面定型, 盖上锅盖以小火煎, 根据鱼肉的厚度把表面煎至魚呈金黃色, 翻面再煎另一面至略焦时, 将煎好的鱼取出


4. Cut the tofu and dry it with  paper yowl. Add some cornstarch and salt. Then pan fry it. In a pan add in miso sauce and add 3 tablespoon hot water. Stir and set aside.

4. 将豆腐切大块, 纸巾吸擦乾干水, 擦玉米淀粉和鹽, 再下油锅煎香豆腐, 味噌酱+3汤匙热水用滤网融开混合均匀. 備用.


5. Pan fry garlic, ginger and add in the tofu and salmon. Add in some wine, rock sugar, red chili and soy sauce, salt, 1 cup water, add half the miso water mixture. Cover and steam it.

5. 2大匙先爆香蒜末, 姜片,再放入煎过的三文魚和豆腐, 米酒, , 红辣椒, 醬油, , 放入水约1, 再加入味噌酱, 然后盖上锅盖闷煮片刻 . 


6. Then turn the fire to medium and add the rest of the miso sauce. Let it steam for 3-4 minutes. Add in cornstarch and water mixture to make the sauce thicker,

6. 大火烧沸再改中小火慢烧,直至三文魚入味, 后将另一半味噌酱倒入, 再煮3 - 4分钟, 水淀粉勾薄芡汤汁浓稠收汁后即完成


Feelings after eating  :

Salmon is a fish I really enjoy eating. You can use it in soup, stir fry or braised. Its healthy and nutritious with lots of protein. This dish taste delicious and after eating this you will want to cook it again. I hope you try this recipe and enjoy it  !

食後感想 :

鮭魚(三文魚)是一种我很喜欢吃的鱼类, 用来煮湯, 红烧 或者用油煎至表面微黄口感更美味, 鮭魚营养豐富价值含有大量的蛋白质, 这种鱼类的肉质特别鲜嫩, 味道鲜美, 食用后会让你回味無窮, 建议你多多試試享受吧  !  






  :   2  
备时间  :   20  
饪时间  :   15  
02 2014

  • 白米飯 2   
  • 洋葱半个切粒
  • 胡椒粉1/2茶匙     
  • 韓國泡菜1     
  • 雞蛋2
  • 芝麻 2 茶匙     
  • 2切粒    
  • 姜末1/4 茶匙     
  • 麵粉水1/2 茶匙    
  • 香油1/2 茶匙   
  • 蒜末2茶匙     
  • 紅葱末1大匙 
  • 牛肉1/2     
  • 泡菜汁3茶匙           
  • 1/2茶匙 
  • 酱油1/2茶匙  
  • 1/2茶匙    
  • 韓國辣椒醬1/2 茶匙   
  • 鸡精1茶匙
做法  :    
  1. 泡菜, 洋蔥粒姜末紅葱末蒜末 , 葱切粒  備用 .
  2. 把牛肉加少許韓國辣椒醬 , 少许酱油 , 1/2茶匙太白粉适量沙拉油一起拌均  .
  3. 把隔夜米飯放入微波爐中高火加入1分鐘, 米飯中加少許油用筷子撥散  .
  4. 热锅后放入少许油放入姜末, 紅葱末蒜末, 爆香加入腌制的牛肉丝将其翻炒入味捞起  . 
  5. 倒入米飯, 韓式辣醬加点水拌均, 放入洋蔥碎翻炒, 鸡精 炒香  .
  6. 泡菜的湯汁, 喜歡這味的就多用點, 不喜歡的, 就把泡菜擠乾後再炒  .
  7. 加入炒熟的牛肉, , 胡椒粉, 香油, 葱粒, 翻炒均勻撒少許芝麻海带  .
  8. 煎两个鸡蛋放在饭上面,  这样就完成泡菜炒牛肉炒饭了  即可享用 .