Service : 4  服務 : 4
Prepare time : 25 min  準備時間 : 25分鈡
Cook time : 20  min  烹飪時間 : 20分钟
August  2016  082016
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Fried Fish Steak  酥炸魚排

Ingredients :  材料:
The amount of water 水適量   
2 bowl of wheat flour  面粉2
Tartar sauce 1 bowl 塔塔醬1
1 bottle of soda water  苏打水1
4 bowl of vegetable oil  植物油4
1 teaspoon baking powder 发酵粉1茶匙
2 teaspoon chicken powder  雞粉2茶匙
Seasoned salt and pepper to taste  鹽和胡椒粉適量
3 flounder fillets cut into chunks  龍利鱼3條切成長條
2 bowl  of fried flour or tempura flour  油炸粉2 或天妇罗粉
2 teaspoon garlic powder or fresh garlic garlic  2茶匙大蒜粉或攪爛鲜蒜.

Directions :  做法 :
1. Clean the fish with water and paper towel dry the excess water. Cut the fish into long think slices. Place in a large bowl and set aside.

1. 把龍利魚柳用清水沖洗乾淨, 同時以紙巾吸乾多餘的水份, 依肉質紋切成長條厚片, 放置在大碗裡備用

2. Use 2 bowls. The first bowl put in the tempura flower, second bowl add in all purpose flour, garlic powder, baking soda, salt and pepper.

2. 3個碗, 第一個碗放入油炸粉, 第二個碗放入麵粉加入蒜粉, 雞粉, 發酵粉, 撒上適量鹽和白胡椒粉, 用手輕輕拌勻醃漬入味

3. Pour some soda water into the second bowl of mixture. Mix together until it is all mixed.

3.倒入適量蘇打水入麵粉裡面, 以同一方向, 攪拌至完全濃稠, 麵粉被完全吸收, 打勻成為炸醬汁.


4. Add some salt and pepper to the sliced fish. Dip the fish into the tempura flour and then dip into the all purpose flour with soda water. Let the mixture coat the whole fish.

4. 片出的魚排均勻灑上鹽和胡椒粉入味, 然後將魚塊依序正反兩面都沾上油炸粉, 再沾上以完成調味好的濃稠麵粉醬汁, 輕輕用手拌勻. 這樣重複直到魚片外完整包裹麵粉醬汁.

5.  Heat the oil to 350 375 and deep fry the fish until golden brown. Remove and then deep fry a second time to make it extra crispy. Once all the fish are fried you can use tartar sauce as dip and enjoy.

5. ​​ 350375度油鍋炸至金黃熟撈起瀝油, 待油溫升次高後, 回鍋炸再炸第二次, 可令魚肉更酥黃, 炸魚吃起來更滑更可口, 撈起吸乾油, 食用時沾塔塔醬



Feelings after eating  :
This delicious crunch fried fish is easy to make and tasty. The tempura flour makes the fish extra crispy. The center of the fish is moist and juicy. You can use any dipping sauce for this dish. This recipe is loved by the whole family. The fish has no bones so its easy to eat. You will enjoy this recipe and I hope you try it  !

這道酥炸魚排是用龍利魚柳做的, 搭配上油炸粉醃漬入味, 炸至魚外表黃脆酥酥的, 魚肉多汁軟嫩又少了魚刺, 大人小孩都非常適合, 口感特別香酥, 直接沾點塔塔醬吃就很好吃. 龍利魚柳, 營養豐富, 高蛋白, 肉質細嫩, 因為龍利幾乎沒有魚腥味, 刺又少肉又多一般家庭裡常會用龍利魚柳做佳餚您會喜歡這道菜試試吧 !