Serves : 4 服務 : 4
Prepare time : 20 min
準備時間 : 20分鐘
Cook time : 35 min
October 2013 10月2013年
Tasteless recipes
Meat Salty Preserved Egg Congee
3 preserved egg 皮蛋 3個
10 cup of water 清水10杯
2 coriander and chopped
1 pound ground pork
1 teaspoon sesame oil 麻油1/2茶匙 1 cooked salted egg 熟鹹蛋1粒切碎
1 teaspoon light soy sauce 醬油1/2茶匙
1 teaspoons corn starch
3 teaspoons shredded ginger
1/2 tablespoon salted pork
4 cloves garlic finely chopped 大蒜4瓣切碎
3 teaspoons olive oil 橄欖油3茶匙或沙拉油
白米1杯或添加更多米 Salt and black pepper to taste 鹽和黑胡椒鹽適量
2 stem green onions finely chopped 蔥2棵切蔥粒
3 ribs marinade with salt
排骨 3塊洗淨用鹽醃成鹹肉
14 ounces chicken stock or chicken flavor
3 Chinese donuts
cut smaller pieces and fried crisp油條 3條切小塊過油炸酥
ingredients can add you own and match bean paste, Scallop, cooked salted, dried scallop, soy sauce, liver, shrimp,
fresh mushrooms, add sweet rice.
按照您自己喜欢的口味随意搭配材料 : 乾瑤柱, 豬肝, 鮮蝦, 鮮香菇, 扁魚, 豆皮.
1. Rinse
the rice with clean water. Then add salt, oil and the preserved egg. Place in
refrigerator for for several hours. It is best if you let it marinate over
1. 排骨 3塊洗淨用鹽醃成鹹肉, 白米也用清水冲洗干净, 同時也用鹽, 油醃製數小時拌匀, 加入一粒皮蛋和米一起醃製, 煮出的粥特別綿軟, 醃最好是准备提前一天, 然后全都放入冰箱里过夜才可以入味, 待用.
2. Prepare
ingredients: 2 coriander and chopped, 3 teaspoons shredded ginger, 3 teaspoons
deep - fry garlic oil , 2 stem green onions finely chopped and 1 cooked salted egg.
Cut into chunks 3 preserved black eggs and set aside the black egg as a garnish
on top.
2. 香菜3棵切碎, 薑絲 3茶匙, 油炸大蒜3茶匙, 蔥2棵切蔥粒, 熟鹹蛋1粒切碎, 皮蛋3粒切成大块.
3. clean
the ribs with water to wash off the salt. In a pot add 10 cups of water and
chicken stock into the boiling water. On high heat, boil about 20 minutes the
rice into the soup, the conger simmer slowly cooked .
3. 取出排骨用清水將鹽份沖洗掉, 做粥米與水的比例為1:10, 大鍋中放入足量的水,下排骨大火充分煮沸騰大約20分钟, 之后將白米倒入高湯里, 轉小火慢慢細火熬煮至適合自己的稠度.
4. While
the porridge is cooking add a small metal spoon in the bottom of the pot to
prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom. Also, do not cover the lid while
the porridge is cooking.
4.熬煮粥其間以免粥底黐底, 通常放一個小湯匙在鍋底與粥同煮, 就可以防止煮粥時会黏鍋底, 緊記住全程煲粥不要蓋上鍋蓋, 這樣做粥便不會出水, 味道就很好. 這樣做粥便不會出水, 味道就很好.
5. Take
out the ribs and remove the meat from the bone and set aside. In a bowl, add
the fresh pork meat with 2 tablespoons of the porridge soup. Stir and mix
together. chopped off the meat on the rib.
5.此時把煮在粥中的排骨撈出來, 將排骨上的肉切碎, 一个大碗放入絞瘦肉, 倒入3湯匙己煮好的白米粥水, 要不停撥开撹拌, 白米粥里的澱粉会讓瘦肉滑滑的, 瘦肉就不会一拕坨的. 也不会很澀.
6. Let the porridge boil for 1 hour. Then add ginger, chicken bouillon and the ground pork prepared in the previous step and the chopped black egg. Add salt and pepper.
6.滾粥熬了1小時後,下薑絲, 雞粉, 之後倒入己拌過粥水的瘦肉, 之後倒入己拌過粥水的瘦肉, 此時用鑊鏟要快速持續攪拌滾粥, 放入切碎的皮蛋, 切碎的熟鹹蛋, 鹽和黑胡椒鹽適量.
7. Add fresh chopped garlic and then story fry
the garlic in oil. Add the fried garlic on top of the porridge with Chinese
7. 新鮮大蒜去皮切碎, 用橄欖油炸香大蒜就成了自製蒜頭油, 油條切小塊並過油炸酥,
8. Finally
the porridge is complete and now you can add your toppings. Add a little sesame
oil, sprinkle chopped green onion and cilantro. Also add into the fried crisp
Chinese donuts Enjoy !
8..粥熬煮好後盛入碗里, 添加少許芝麻油, 撒上蔥花, 香菜 調適合自己的口味.再加入酥酥的油條放在粥上就完成了, 尽情享受吧 !
Feelings after eating
Preserved egg porridge is common in Guangzhou. It also contains
a lot of nutrients. The ingredients are ground
pork,cooked salted egg, preserved eggs, salted pork rib pork, also you can use
salt to marinade the meat pork, cook the meat until becomes tender. Need add
full of water for boiling the porridge, after simmer slowly cooked, It will be
tasty porridge, Especially delicious flavor. Paired with chopped green onion
and Chinese donuts. This dish is delicious and I hope you enjoy it ! 食後感想:
皮蛋瘦肉粥是中國廣東常見的香粥, 还含有大量的营养成份. 製作配料有豬絞肉,熟鹹蛋,皮蛋,鹹排骨,也可採用整塊豬肉加鹽腌, 豬肉煮至變得鬆軑化一壓就散,煮粥的水要充分沸騰才下材料, 其間先大火,之後再轉小火熬煮, 粥的質感会綿軟入味, 鮮味特別好吃, 配上葱花和炸得酥酥的油條, 您一定要尝试尝试, 真可媲美山珍海味呢 !