Serve : 2  服务 : 2
Prepare time : 20 min  准备时间 : 20 分钟
Cooking time: 10 min  烹饪时间 : 10分钟
December 2013  122013
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物
Cabbage  Salad  高麗菜沙拉

Ingredients : 材料  :
3 slice ginger  薑片3
1/2 shredded onion  洋蔥1/2 個切細丝
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar  紅糖 1/2茶匙
1 bowl fresh basil leaves 鲜羅勒叶1
Salt and pepper to taste  鹽和胡椒粉適量
1 pound cooked slices pork  熟猪肉1磅切片
1/2  bowl fresh mint leaves  鲜薄荷1/2 
1 bowl  homemade fish sauce  自制鱼露汁1
2 stem green onions shredded  2根切成寸段
1/2 root shredded carrots 紅蘿蔔1/2根切絲
2 fresh chopped hot red chili  新鲜红辣椒2  
4 cloves garlic, peeled head of garlic  烤大蒜4瓣或生 
1/2 cup dry roasted crushed peanuts  幹烤花生1/2杯攪碎
2 shallot peeled head and chopped  红葱2粒切碎或生 
1 small shredded cabbage or lettuce 小高麗菜1個切絲生菜
You can refer to homemade sauce recipe 103 lemon, sugar, water, garlic, fish sauce mix homemade recipes   103. 
您可以参考自制鱼露酱配方103檸檬, , , 大蒜混合.
According to your own favorite taste freely sauce  按照您自己喜歡的口味隨意調味

Directions : 做法:
1. Prepare ingredients: ½ onion shredded, 2 stem green onions shredded, ½ stem carrot chopped, 2 fresh chopped hot red chili, 4 cloves garlic, peeled head of garlic, 1/2 cup dry roasted crushed peanuts, 2 shallot peeled head and chopped, 1 small shredded cabbage or lettuce.


1. 洋蔥1/2個切細絲, 2根切成寸段, 紅蘿蔔1/2根切細絲, 新鮮小紅辣椒2粒先剖去籽切碎, 烤大蒜4瓣或生, 幹烤花生1/2杯攪碎, 烤小紅蔥2粒切碎或生, 小高麗菜1個切絲或生菜

2. 4 roasted garlic, 2 red onions, 2 red chilies. In a food processor grind up ½ cup dry peanuts.


2. 烤香4瓣大蒜, 2粒小紅蔥, 2粒小紅辣椒可曾加香氣或生的也可用. 使用食物處理器攪碎幹烤花生1/2

3. Add in the sliced cabbage in a bowl, add salt and mix by hand. Let it marinate for 15 minutes. Or a salad mixer to drain out the water.


3. 高麗菜1個切絲放入盤中, 下少許鹽用手拌勻, 15分鐘, 讓高麗菜稍微出水, 然後捏掉多餘的水份或以脫水器脫掉蔬菜水份


4. Clean the pork. Then boil a pot of water and adding 3 sliced ginger until the meat is cooked. Remove the pork and set aside in the refrigerator. Then remove from refrigerator and cut into slices.


4. 用清水洗亁淨豬肉, 再煮滾一鍋水, 入姜3片去腥, 下豬肉汆燙熟後盛起, 倒入冰塊冷卻用紙毛巾將多餘的水份擦乾, 然後將煮熟豬肉切塊擱置.

5. In a large bowl, layer the ingredients: First layer : cabbage,carrot, onion,basil and mint. Then place the pork slices on top and a little bit of chopped chili. 


5. 依序擺放 : 先用一個拌沙拉大碗把高麗菜絲鋪在碗底部, 紅蘿蔔絲, 洋蔥絲, 九層塔, 鮮薄荷, 接著放上豬肉塊, 還有少許剁碎的小辣椒

6. Finally, pour the fish sauce in the top of the salad and then add roasted peanuts. Let the fish sauce marinate with the cabbage.


6. 最後把適量的魚露淋上沙拉里, 此時表面撒上絞碎好的幹烤花生, 然後把全部的材料輕輕攪拌均勻, 讓魚露調味汁均勻的裹在食材上提升美味

7. If you like spicy, add more chili and if you want more sour taste add more lemons. Adjust the flavor by yourself. This delicious cabbage is complete  !

7. 如喜歡吃辣的話多放點辣椒, 想吃酸的擠點​​青檸汁, 去調整您喜歡的口味, 隨後盛盤, 美味的高麗菜沙拉就完成囉.

另一種醬汁版本 2
Ingredients : 材料  :
1 diced apple 蘋果1個切粒
2 teaspoon mustard 芥末2茶匙
Salt and pepper to taste  鹽和胡椒粉適量
2 tablespoons lemon juice 檸檬汁2湯匙
2  teaspoon honey sauce 蜂蜜調味汁2茶匙
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar  白酒醋3湯匙
1 small shredded cabbage or lettuce 小高麗菜1個切絲生菜.

Directions : 做法 :
1. Place the cabbage by hand a piece of peeled, washed and cut into chunks, boil after the fire pot, add water, add cabbage into the steamer and steam for about 15 minutes removed.

1.將高麗菜用手一片一片剝開, 洗淨後切大塊, 鍋內加水大火煮滾後, 放入高麗菜入蒸籠隔水蒸15分鐘左右取出.

2. sauces: the right amount of white wine vinegar, mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, honey, salt and pepper to taste and mix well.

2.調味醬汁:適量白酒醋, 芥末, 檸檬汁, 橄欖油, 蜂蜜, 鹽和胡椒粉適量拌勻.

3. At this time to transfer a good sauce topped with cabbage in the mix, continued into the kitchen microwave for 1 minute.

3.此時把調好的醬汁淋上高麗菜中拌勻, 繼續放入微波灶1分鐘.

4. apple slices Add to salad and mix well.

4.蘋果切片加入沙拉拌勻. 即可.

Feelings after eating  :
This is a refreshing cool simple super delicious salad dish, cabbage vegetables all year round, coupled together with homemade sauce, spicy and sour taste super delicious salad. You also try another option.









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