Serves  :  5   服务 :  5
Prepare time  :  40 min  准备时间40分钟
Cook time : 2 hours  烹饪时间:2小時 
June  2015  06 2015
Tasteecook  recipes  美味的食物
Roast Beef Recipe Boneless Cross Rib 烤牛肉食谱


Ingredients :  材料  :      
1 ounce butter  黄油1盎司                     
3/4 cup red wine 红葡萄酒3/4 
2 tablespoons olive oil  橄榄油2汤匙
1 teaspoon mayonnaise 蛋黄酱1茶匙        


2 teaspoons onion powder洋葱粉1茶匙            
2 teaspoons garlic powder大蒜粉2茶匙    
1/2 teaspoon baking soda  苏打粉 1/2茶匙   
Salt and black pepper to taste 盐和黑胡椒适量
4.1/2 pounds beef without ribs 4.1/ 2 磅无肋骨牛肉    

Directions : 做法 :
1.Ribs washed with water, then used paper towel to wipe excess water , with a sharp knife trim excess fat or muscle edge, Keep the top layer of fat.
1.先把排骨用清水洗乾淨, 用紙毛巾將多餘的水份擦乾, 用鋒利的刀修剪邊緣多余的脂肪或筋, 上面的肥膏保留.

2. All the seasoning: garlic powder, olive oil, , butter, chili powder, onion powder, baking soda, red wine, mayonnaise , Salt and black pepper to taste.
2. 用大蒜粉, 橄榄油, 黄油, 辣椒, 洋葱粉, 苏打粉, 红葡萄酒 , 蛋黄酱, 盐和黑胡椒适量.

3.Tie together twine around the beef and marinate sauce then in side refrigerate 2-3 days, can make beef soften.
3.把牛肉周围用麻线扎在 一起, 调味汁醃制 放入冰箱冷藏 23天可令牛肉軟化.

4.In a pan add olive oil,  brown both sides of the beef roast. About 2 minutes on each side. the surface continues to beef fried golden brown.
4.燒熱鍋放入橄榄油, 改中小火大概每面煎2分鐘, 翻面繼續煎到牛肉金黃色.

5.Preheat oven to 325 ° c. grill beef at 325 ℃, roast for 1 hour.
5.烤箱预热至325°F, 牛肉放入一个烤架里烘烤在325 ℃ , 牛肉烤1小时.

6.After 1 hour, lower the temperature to 250 ℃. Cook beef roast 1/2 hours. Then take a meat thermometer and insert it into the deepest part of the meat. If the thermometer says 125 degrees then the roast is cooked.
6.将热温度降低至250 ℃ 再放牛肉烘烤1/2 小时, 一个肉类温度计, 插入最深的部分肉呈熟色完成125 . 牛肉 1 3/4  2小时.


希望你有一個愉快的假期和新年快樂  !


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