Serves :  4  服务 : 4 
Prepare time : 10 min  
准备时间 : 10 分钟
Cooking time : 15 min 
烹饪时间 : 15 分钟
December  2013  122013  
Tasteecook recipes  美味的食物
Spam Fried Ramen  Noodle  早餐肉炒泡面

Ingredients  : 材料  :                                   1 teaspoon sesame oil 香油1茶匙
2 teaspoon soy sauce 酱油2茶匙     
2 teaspoons olive oil  橄欖油2茶匙   
3 tablespoons chili oil  辣椒油3湯匙  

1 carrots shredded紅蘿蔔1根切絲     
2 garlic finely chopped 大蒜2瓣切末
2 teaspoon black vinegar 烏醋2茶匙

2 stem green onion minced  2根切碎 
Salt and pepper to taste  鹽和胡椒粉適量 
2 shallot finely chopped  紅蔥頭2粒切碎  
1/4 cabbage shredded  高麗菜1/4個切絲   
1/2 onion finely chopped 洋蔥1/2顆切絲   

3 large eggs break up  鸡蛋3 粒打散炒熟  
2 cloves garlic finely chopped 蒜頭2粒切末 
4 package of instant ramen noodles 泡面4  

          1 small piece ginger, finely chopped 

6 ounces of spam cut into thick strips
The ingredients vegetable can add you own and match  : 

1. 1/4 cabbage shredded, 1 carrots shredded, 2 shallot finely chopped, 2 stem green onion minced ,  1 small piece ginger finely. 
chopped, 1/2 onion finely chopped, 2 garlic finely chopped, 2 large eggs break up. .  

1.高麗菜1/4個切絲, 紅蘿蔔1根切絲, 紅蔥頭2粒切碎, 2根切碎, 1小塊切末, 洋蔥1/2顆切絲, 大蒜2瓣切末. 


2. 6 ounces of spam cut into thick slice and fry. Drain the oil then cut into thick strips. Scramble egg  into and add teaspoon salt.  Add to the pan and stir fry until slightly brown and set aside.

2. 6盎司早餐肉切厚片,下鍋中煎香. 沥干油再切成粗条. 鸡蛋3粒打散加入1/4茶匙盐,放入油锅, 翻炒至稍凝固盛出備用.


3. Saute shallots, garlic, ginger, carrot and cabbage.

3. 起鍋爆香紅蔥頭蒜末薑末加入紅蘿蔔高麗菜炒均勻. 

 5. Bring a pot of water to boiling the noodles, after drain well. Preferably stirring with chopsticks. Cooking method noodles. 5. according package. 

5. 準備一鍋滾水煮泡麵後瀝乾水份最好用筷子搅拌均匀烹饪方法根据面条包装煮法

6.Then saute cabbage, carrots and eggs. Stir quickly add the right amount of soy sauce, green onion, sesame oil, black vinegar and salt and pepper to taste. Then serve and enjoy  !

6.倒入全部的食材 早餐肉紅蘿蔔高麗菜雞蛋 . 快速翻炒加入適量酱油蔥花香油烏醋,鹽和胡椒粉適量  享受  !


Feelings after eating  :     

Spam fried ramen Instant noodle. You can add any of your other your favorite vegetable and ingredients. Also you can share with everyone and try to cook your own bowl to eat  ! 

食後感想 :

早餐肉炒泡面, 或再配合您喜欢的蔬菜和齐全的香料, 也很高興可以和大家一起分享, 您也自己diy 試試煮一碗吃吧  !   










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